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Author Topic: Playing a character with no name  (Read 191 times)


Playing a character with no name
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:20:00 pm »
I'm in the process of planning out a new character since the two that I have are both on the verge of retiring.  I'm thinking of playing a Druid this time around, and my concept of her is she has no name.  She's given up her name when she accepted to be a protector for the forest that she's grown up in.  Part of the vow is to never say her name or pick a new name for herself.  Now the thing is she does have a name, but I don't want any of the players or GMs to know it.  To submit a character I'm going to have to supply a name and at creation also.  How can I get past this part?  I really, really, really don't want my characters name known, because some people here have problems remembering that their characters aren't going to know another characters name unless they've been told.  On a MUD I've played in the past the GMs let me use NO NAME as a valid character name when I played a character with no name there.  Would that work here at Layo?  I'm thinking that I'll probably have to go with some type of nick name that other people could have given her while was on the trip to Mistone.  Is that my only option?


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2005, 01:44:00 pm »
I am a GM but not on the character approval team. I would thinking naming him something like "Nameless Forest Dweller" or the like would be fine.


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2005, 01:47:00 pm »
Player Opinion. I would put the name in the forum bio but not in the slots above the character. I would (as you did) seek consent for a name very plain such as "Protector" or maybe just spaces. To give her another name or allow people to speak a new nickname would be against the vow you explained which I think is great. To allow others to give you a common name that many know would make you obvious to (what may seem as) tretcherous acts that have been done for the sake of nature (if you are planning to play CN or even TN).

All togeather I think it is great and hope it works out well! :)


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2005, 02:06:00 pm »
Yea I was thinking of allowing other players come up with their own nick-names for her.  Being from the forest she has no use for a name, but knows there's a need for one out in civilized lands.   So allowing others to give her a nick-name would be acceptable to her just as long as she didn't give herself a name, or refer as herself with whatever name people name her.  I was actually leaning along the lines of NG, due to random acts of kindness that she's been known to do, but I guess TN would work out just as well with a bias of doing good deeds.


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2005, 03:18:00 pm »
What vgn stated is fine.  But you do need to have something in your name field, other than just spaces.  NWN does everything by names and as such we track persistency by names.
  Just don't use 'nameless' as that would not be approved.


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #5 on: October 13, 2005, 04:51:00 pm »
Thanks a lot, Leanthar.  :)

I've worked it out so everyone will see her given name and not her birth one.  I'm hoping though that everyone will try to ignore any name I've put in the naming field....

Talan Va'lash

RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2005, 01:51:00 am »
Leanthar - 10/13/2005  4:18 PM    What vgn stated is fine.  But you do need to have something in your name field, other than just spaces.  NWN does everything by names and as such we track persistency by names.
  Just don't use 'nameless' as that would not be approved.
 Just curious, whats wrong with nameless?  Is it... from something?  or something?  -TV


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2005, 01:50:00 am »
Just curious, whats wrong with nameless? Is it... from something? or something? -TV

  From the game Planescape Torment (the character you played there was The Nameless One).


RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2005, 05:49:00 am »
It's not like they were first by using Nameless for a character. Been used in several comics, books and games before. Usually on something evil. '  
EdTheKet - 10/15/2005  10:50 AM    
Just curious, whats wrong with nameless? Is it... from something? or something? -TV

  From the game Planescape Torment (the character you played there was The Nameless One).

Talan Va'lash

RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2005, 01:07:00 am »
Yeah, I thought it was generic enough to the point of being "public domain" as it were.  I've never played Planetscape torment, but I keep hearing good things about it.  I just should go buy it one of these days... I haven't yet because I'm pretty sure I would play layo instead :P

Oh, and the music would sound awful familiar :)



RE: Playing a character with no name
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2005, 10:26:00 am »
I just finished Planescape: Torment myself not too long ago (I'd recommend it Tal.  It's a great game, the best RPG I've ever played.  It kept me away from Layo many nights. :)), and honestly the thought of playing a namless character didn't come from playing this game at all.  I thought it would be fun to play a character where other characters gave her a name that means something to their character.  I couldn't have been more right.  Kutya'I is quickly becoming my favorite character I've ever role-played.