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Author Topic: has types of homes ever been talked about?  (Read 171 times)


has types of homes ever been talked about?
« on: March 08, 2006, 03:01:58 am »
Now I dont know if this has been talk about befor, but has any one ever tryed to make homes that fit PCs race.
Not just houses alll the time. But what if Caves for Dwaves and Ghalfgaints. I have seen houses in trees say for elves and others.
And what of size, small for nomes and halflings, etc.

I know its a huge amount for work for what is basicl asthetic stuff, but just asking if its been talked about.



Re: has types of homes ever been talked about?
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2006, 06:41:38 am »
I think they can do something about that with the "remodeling" that G and Kage do.


RE: has types of homes ever been talked about?
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2006, 06:50:38 am »
Regarding interiors, yeah, we can do that (to some degree) with the housing remodelling we're allowing now.
  Regarding exteriors, there are some "tree" caves other than one guild hall I can think of.
  Regarding size, we're limited to what the tilesets can do.


Re: has types of homes ever been talked about?
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2006, 07:57:19 am »
Well the "hobbit holes" in Pranzis can be fine for dwarves, gnomes and halfling if you want to focus on the exterior...Plus with the remodeling you can have dripping cave wall to yer hearts content ;)


Re: has types of homes ever been talked about?
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 08:40:19 am »
The only issue I have with the tree homes is that they (or they did) have regular interior settings like that of an inn or a regular "human" city home with multiple rooms rather than a "tent interior" or other appropriate interior area type. I'm assuming G-452 and kagekeeper can change this at the owners request.


Re: has types of homes ever been talked about?
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 09:06:24 am »
Shadowblade225 - 3/8/2006  8:40 AM

The only issue I have with the tree homes is that they (or they did) have regular interior settings like that of an inn or a regular "human" city home with multiple rooms rather than a "tent interior" or other appropriate interior area type. I'm assuming G-452 and kagekeeper can change this at the owners request.

Yes, we can as long as one has the coins. :)