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Author Topic: Nice RP tonight  (Read 81 times)


Nice RP tonight
« on: October 10, 2005, 12:25:00 am »
Thanks to the following folks for some great RP tonight, both when I was on as a GM and you DIDN'T know I was there, and when I was playing.

Azaria (on two seperate instances)
Caeli (?)

And everyone that was present for the RP brawl in Hlint

SilvermaneDK (Sorry, forgot your Wemics name, great job with the RP)
Talan (Sorry, forgot your new guys name... hehe)
Everyone was really IC and on the ball tonight
The dwarf fighter/wizard... gah, not my night for names.
And the antagonist... Kosae I think?

Great RP guys, and much dice rolling. It seemed like everyone was really into thier characters tonight and it was great to see such RP consistantly everywhere I went on the server.



RE: Nice RP tonight
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2005, 05:47:00 am »
Sorry I missed it!

Good job everyone! w00t!

Talan Va'lash

RE: Nice RP tonight
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2005, 06:31:00 am »
I was playing Anoron.  I can't remember the wemic's name either... but she never introduced herself.  Which is kinda funny that I only remember peoples names if they introduce themselves, since... its not neccessary in the game mechanics.  *shrugs* I suppose I've trained my brain well heh.

But yeah, I think special props go to the antagonist for keeping it IC and going along with the RP even though the way it went (the way the rolls went at least... though I think it would have taken a lot of luck to have any different outcome heh) even though the result wasn't favorable for his character.

I think we all learned a valuable lesson here.  Don't get into a brawl with a half ogre.  Arguing with a half ogre is like playing chess with a wookie (unless you're good a talking.)  Let the wookie win.  



RE: Nice RP tonight
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2005, 10:16:00 am »
You're the same way also, Tal (I hope you don't mind me calling you Tal)?  I can never seem to remember a charactes name either unless it's revealed by role-playing.

But yea, that brawl in Hlint was a lot of fun to role-play.  It's my best experience I've had yet on Layo even if the dice were against me. ;)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Nice RP tonight
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2005, 08:29:00 pm »
Sure, call me Tal, call me lan, its all good.

As long as I can call you.... Susan.  

bah, nevermind that ones already taken. *snickers* oh well.



RE: Nice RP tonight
« Reply #5 on: October 10, 2005, 08:51:00 pm »
Talan Va'lash - 10/10/2005  8:29 PM

Sure, call me Tal, call me lan, its all good.

As long as I can call you.... Susan.  

bah, nevermind that ones already taken. *snickers* oh well.


*snickers* Where *has* Susan been, anyway.... *walks off calling for Susan* (You know who you are...)