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Author Topic: Jacchri's CDQ  (Read 177 times)


Jacchri's CDQ
« on: September 06, 2005, 08:55:00 am »
Has been a bit under the weather since Sunday and did not get around to posting this sooner.
  But thanks to Ice for a great CDQ, which was well thought out and executed. It flowed from the first one and ended putting the next one on the table, which is very well done.
  Also thanks to the people that joined me on the CDQ, you guys RP your characters very well and made it even a better experience. I could not do it without you.
  Lastly another thanks to Ice, for letting Jacchri spend some time with his mother after the CDQ, it was really great and gave Jacchri an opportunity to spend time with her ingame which was really beyond the call of duty for a GM, but really appreciated.
  Thanks to all. Aragwen


RE: Jacchri's CDQ
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2005, 01:14:00 pm »
Thank you Jacchri for inviting me to take part in your CDQ. It was a great deal of fun and I was glad we were able to talk to the frolicking vine. ;)

Ice, thanks to you as well for a great quest. Even though it was not my CDQ, I had a great time both during and after with Jacc and his mother.

Excellent job everyone! :)

Lord of the Forest

RE: Jacchri's CDQ
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2005, 02:13:00 pm »
it was a great CDQ, thanks for inviting me...
Great job to Ice...
Was great to see you acting ;)


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RE: Jacchri's CDQ
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
It was really good.

Thanks to Jacchri for inviting me, thanks to Ice for the nice quest and to everyone else for a good time :)


RE: Jacchri's CDQ
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2005, 03:31:00 pm »
Good job Ice. :)


RE: Jacchri's CDQ
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2005, 12:03:00 am »
AYE, it was great fun... a good quest and great party.

And I was really happy that we didn't have to fight more of those damn vines.
