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Author Topic: A friendly reminder about looting  (Read 47 times)


A friendly reminder about looting
« on: December 19, 2007, 01:31:30 am »
Hello fellow players...

Just a friendly reminder that loot actually needs to be split up after an adventure. I've been on several trips in the last few days where the looter has mysteriously disappeared (logged) without splitting the loot. I was even logged in as another character and heard the looter asking another character how much he could sell things for that were collected during a journey where the party was wiped out and I probably won't see the cut from that!

If you don't craft or sell things this is the only way to earn coins, and we all want nice equipment right? And if you have to log or the party dies or something please keep a record of who you owe coins to, getting coins at a later date is nifty, in the past I've had PCs say "oh... here's the coins from the other night"... I realize it's not in-character for some to share the loot, but if it is please share it.



Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2007, 02:12:24 am »
This has been discussed before in numerous other threads but this is one policy that you might like:


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2007, 02:43:34 am »
Conversely, if the appointed "looter" for a given dungeon crawl is the type to run off with the loot, two things:
  • Don't exploit the mechanics of the game, any more than you're allowed to exploit enemy AIs.  Logging is not an acceptable way to scamper with the loot.  Turning invisible, throwing down a Stardust of Branderback, saying "look over there!" - those are all acceptable ways.
  • Expect characters to have a memory.  If your character did scarper with the loot, other characters might be leery of inviting them along on a dungeon crawl... or, at the very least, letting him loot any fallen foes.
In the right situations, running off with the loot can be a fun RP twist for both the looter and those left with empty sacks.  But keep it IC... and remember, your actions have consequences! ;)


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2007, 08:31:55 am »
well in the aforementioned trip a few people were grabbing the overlooked gold but the one primary looter had a fight with someone and those two amazingly vanished after the next combat started

so perhaps it was a plan and it was indeed a well done and played distraction, which if being the case was played perfectly


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2007, 10:31:14 am »
I case of IC unclarity, you can always follow up with an OOC Tell so that there are no misunderstandings between players.


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2007, 10:40:20 am »
It's a very delicate issue that can quickly become a form of grieving. All I have to say is; Don't hide behind tells, make sure all are oke with it on an ooc level, don't metagame the value of an item if you can't even identify it, there should always be a chance of failure with every action you take concerning the items/gold, use your dice and the new lootsystem was put in place for a reason.

I'm sure I missed some there.


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2007, 11:08:56 am »
"Don't steal our loot, guy" is usually what I say. People need to take down the boundaries here and get used to the idea that we are allowed to communicate between each other when something goes awry. Taking all of our problems to the forum just makes this community look bad. It isn't against the rules to take care of simple problems in game or via private messages if you do so in a civil manner and don't just start more problems.


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2007, 11:21:18 am »
Yeah... I've plum forgotten about loot on one or two occasions, but when folks reminded me, I gladly handed it out. When I've had to run, I've gotten back to those I was traveling with whenever possible; sometimes they care enough to go halfway across the server for 200gp, sometimes not.

Though some of my characters just collect where they care to and hand over if asked. It's a good idea to make the looting rules, whatever they are, clear at some point in the adventure, as some characters (and moreso, some players!) simply aren't aware of the typical looting policies.

Pyyran, Cevs, and Cutter follow DMOE's looting policy. Grok mainly does what a nice-seeming person tells him to. Fortun hasn't been informed, yet. :)


Re: A friendly reminder about looting
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2007, 12:31:23 pm »
If I loot on a trip and people go away before getting there share I always place the amoutn they get from me in the journal's Note section. if you play on the same computer everytime. it's a helpfull way of keeping track of such things.

just a tip to help out those who tend to forget like me. :s