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Author Topic: New drawing!  (Read 137 times)


New drawing!
« on: October 14, 2005, 07:27:00 am »
What to say… I was soo close to get my the drawing of my char finished, so I could post it today, but in the end my homework lured my into a trap, and it took me a day to escape it. So I gonna post this instead.

There is some to say about it! I made it, in a German lesson since my teacher anyway was talking about his trip to Africa. The tree heads on the pole most left is actually, from down-up, Kasper and Theis (two friends of me) and me at the top… It doesn’t look like us at all! Anyway the thing Theis is saying is in Danish, it means rhinoceros. He says it because he kept saying there should be a rhino at the drawing as I was making it, but I couldn’t really remember exact how they looked. And all the blood at the bottom is not my work! Didn’t want it to turn out like that. And all the blue stripes are from the ground sketch, I didn’t draw it on to a new paper this time, so some things may look a bit strange.
Oh yes, I and the schools scanners are now officially in war!


RE: New drawing!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 09:50:00 am »
Heh heh you seem to really enjoy german class LoL Good drawing ;)

Lord of the Forest

RE: New drawing!
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 09:59:00 am »
nice work, remembers me of my old history teacher (German-teacher too) who told us almost every lesson something about his trips to Africa as he was young... geez, that were the bests history lessons I ever had ;)


RE: New drawing!
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2005, 09:53:00 am »
hmmm enjoying german lessons... eight months left, I gonna hold out, I must not go crazy.. hir hir Ich bin ein berliner heh heh heh :S
yep, those lessons where teachers actually tell about personal experience, or family realted stuff are nice, my history teacher from groundschool had a great great and so on grandfather, who was the only dane, who survived the first danish expeditnion to Saudi Arabia. Heh heh remember the part where he, somehow proudly, told about how the great great saved the day, acting like a  gunman!

Lord of the Forest

RE: New drawing!
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 03:14:00 pm »
german language can be fun, somehow everyone likes the word 'Flittchen' ;)


RE: New drawing!
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2005, 04:42:00 am »
Lord of the Forest - 10/15/2005  12:14 PM

german language can be fun, somehow everyone likes the word 'Flittchen' ;)

nah, then I better like verdammt or verrückt! heh wonder why people like flittcehn, if I say that in a german lesson, can I then said that I you told it to me? ;)

Lord of the Forest

RE: New drawing!
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2005, 09:13:00 am »
lol, you can try ;) *shrugs* maybe your teacher knows the meaning of this word. I wiuldn't call your teacher a Flittchen, just ask him what it means or so ;)