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Author Topic: *sigh* and an apology  (Read 126 times)


*sigh* and an apology
« on: June 25, 2006, 04:00:28 pm »
So there I was, three hours in to the finale "In Defense quest", thoroughly enjoying myself and feeling slightly useful when *BANG*  my broadband modem decides to pack in for no reason whatsoever, and also decides not to work again until about half an hour ago (which is about 22hours since it stopped to begin with).

So yes, despite being more than a little annoyed, I thought I would make a post here to say sorry to all the players and the GMs involved in that quest (especially to Varka, Eight_bit, and all the others in my group) for my unannounced departure from the quest, there really was nothing I could do either way.

I'm not sure if my leaving really had any detriment on the quest itself, but the fact that the pleasure (and also the XP and lovely quest items ;) ) were brutally stolen from me by the force of nature has caused me to sigh. After all the anticipation as well!



Re: *sigh* and an apology
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 04:18:15 pm »
You probably saved yourself a death at the hands of a Bloodwar Vetran Succubus... congratulations!  :)


Re: *sigh* and an apology
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 04:24:57 pm »
That would have been great though, honour in death and all that. As it is I guess I can't even RP I was there (considering I don't really know how it ended) which does nothing for my reputation as a Defender! *sulk*