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Author Topic: Question: Character Development Thread  (Read 59 times)


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    Question: Character Development Thread
    « on: June 18, 2006, 05:07:47 pm »
    What exactly is it? A thread in the forums where the character interacts with other PCs in order to achieve a certain goal (such as gaining a PrC for example) or simply a thread where the player posts extra information on his character based on events that happened in-game?


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      Re: Question: Character Development Thread
      « Reply #1 on: June 18, 2006, 05:17:28 pm »
      It's used to flesh out the story of your character...his thoughts and his goals, so forth.  The GM's can see what you have going on with your character without having to be on top of you in-game all the time.

      I use mine as a diary...lots of people do this.  Others write it out like chapters in a story.  Give some of the threads a read to get an idea of what you might want to put forward in yours.

      *I just read them 'cause there are some good writers on here:)*