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Author Topic: things I want to know to create my first character.  (Read 124 times)


things I want to know to create my first character.
« on: April 09, 2006, 02:27:08 pm »
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the world of Layonara. Not to NWN of coarse, since I have Xfire I've played NWN for more than 200 hours. But I have never realy done RP not in the way that is seems to be done on Layonara.

I got a lot of ideas with help of the forums and pdf files. I also got a lot of info for creating my first character. But I would like some extra information before I can make my final desicions.
First of all I'm not sure What class to take I'm thinking about 1 of 3. witch are Fighter(with a sword), Monk(unarmed) or Archer(fighter with longbow). Since I wanna force myself to play with others I'd like to know witch one is less used.
I'm also thinking of playing a mage or sorcerer but I have no experions with those kind of classes.
I also have doubts about the race I wanna play. I mostly played the human race, but a half-elf might be a nice change. I might flip a coin a that one But that also will depent on what you all think.

Now for the background. I had ideas but they escaped me for now. I think it was some thing like groing up with only a mother. ..... now I remeber. I wanted to create a half-orc sword fighter who's mother got in contact with an orc witch resulted in the half-orc fighter. The fighter only know his mother, and she never spoke of his father.

I got lots of ideas around that. But I wanna know if it's done already.

I also wanna make a full background before starting playing, so that if anyone askes my charecter  a question I can anwser it as excacltly as is nesesary.

Any help is welcome. I have alot of info from the forums, so i'm sort of ..... (whats that word )... :( I got to much info in my head and need to think things over again. and I need to stop because this post is getting to long. (in my apinion).

Any help that any of you can give me will be grately apriciated.

Sorry for the spelling errors. I'm not english but Dutch(the netherlands) and thought i always had good grades with english class I'm sure I made mistakes. sorry about those.

New-guy ;)


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RE: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 02:36:50 pm »
Well, for a start half-orcs are one of the least played races i can think of, and if you combine that with the archer fighter, i would say you already have a unique character. The story sounds fine, get character submitting man!  :)


Re: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 02:45:37 pm »
Interesting choice to have an archer using the fighter class.  If you wanted to be an archer I think ranger would suit you more, but that is totally your choice.  As far as the class choice goes, I say play what you like playing the most.  There is no shortage of any single class, and there are no overloads of others.  It's pretty much even if you ask me.

For your background, it doesn't matter if someone has already done something similar to your character.  Write soemthing that you think you like and submit it.  If youwa nt a complete background, you can go into great detail with the submission to make it as detailed as possible so when people do ask you stuff you will know.


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RE: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 03:21:50 pm »
Fighters makes better archers than a rangers. In NWN rangers aren't about archery unless they you really want yours to be.

Fighters using bows as their primary weapon are rare and I'd love to see more of them played. That being said, there's never enough sword swinging fighters either so feel free to pick the one you prefer.

The important thing about the background is that it gives reasons for the character to pick the path he or she is now walking and that it is in line with the lore of the world. Easy way to do this is to keep the bio relatively simple, free from any complex twists and turns. You can have a character with a rich personality come from humble origins.


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Re: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2006, 04:04:04 pm »
OK first the fastest way for you or anyone to get their Character approved for play on Layonara is to read all the stickies listed under "Character Submissions".

I have been here for awile and I still read them {the stickes} when I put in for a new character. Also if your bio is long double space and make paragraphs. The easier you make it on the "Character Approvers" the better mood they will be in. And if  they take more than a day or two please remember that they all have a life beyound Layonara.

Hope to see ya online soon  8)


Re: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 03:11:13 pm »
one more question then I'm off to create the character and the background and stuff.
How important are weapons when you submit youcharacter for aproval?
In my chase (as show above) I wanna create an half-orc who most likly wil use a longbow as weapon. But I'm also thinking of using a sword for back-up. How important are the weapons when you submit a character for aproval?

Thanks for all your help. Will try to submit my character later this week. When it's finished.


Re: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2006, 03:20:40 pm »
The weapons do not matter, you will find/buy them in game.  Just remember to assign your feats to get the most out of the weapons you will use.


RE: things I want to know to create my first character.
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 12:51:00 am »
and remember do not take "craft weapon" or the armour one they are not used i made that mistake :P

