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Author Topic: Question for Lorekeepers - King of Ulgrids?  (Read 49 times)


Question for Lorekeepers - King of Ulgrids?
« on: December 17, 2007, 12:53:53 am »
There is a nice list of Voraxian Generals in Grohin's CDT.

I know the King of the Bloody Gate is King Rory Rockfist.

The runic clan (when reopened) had no king, but had Kobal Bluntaxe as its steward.

However, I don't know the name of the King and Queen of Ulgrid's Fortress.  This I assume would be common knowledge for most Voraxian (and other) Dwarves in the region.

Can someone please post any commonly known information about this King and the Elders of Ulgrids.

There is only some many times you can say "Your Majesty" before he realises you don't know his name...


Re: Question for Lorekeepers - King of Ulgrids?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 04:23:47 am »
I'll give you this:

Bar'Grot Coldrock, son of a King from a long line of Kings, is a traditionalist when it comes to leading.  His word is law, although he keeps several councils as needed and is generally fair.  He has dark hair, eyes and a dark beard, and is in the prime of his life.  With his wife Gretel he espouses the “way things were done”, he a warrior and Gretel being a model dwarven Lady.

The dwarves swear fealty to a hereditary monarchy; each King and Queen must produce and raise the next generation for the throne.  In theory, there is very little chance that the current Coldrock line could die out and leave no successor; in reality, the childbirth rates have been dropping in this secluded community for the last 300 years, and there is some talk of needing to mingle the dwarven blood of the mountains with lowland clans.  If the Coldrock family is ever unable to put an heir on the throne, the next closest relative clan would ascend.

The Ulgrid Kings rule with absolute power.  Council is called from whatever dwarves are most appropriate to aid, and only when needed.  While technically the Ulgrid dwarves could rise up against their King if an edict was unfair or even dangerous to the populace, so far there is no record of this.  Whether or not the dwarves would share such a thing with strangers is another matter so no assumptions can be made.

Thanks to Laldiien and Honora :)