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Author Topic: Layonare Single Player Module - Beta 2 release - Testers needed  (Read 77 times)


Layonare Single Player Module - Beta 2 release - Testers needed
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:28:28 am »
Firstly I'd like to thank once again all those who helped test the Beta 1 release and are current testing the Beta 2. All your work is appreciated greatly!
  BUT...we need more testers!
  Come on guys....This really is a great opportunity to give back to Layo by making this module the best it can be!
  Don't make us ask L to shut the servers down for a day so you have nothing better to do but test it *grins and winks*
  So download it from here and have fun testing!


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RE: Layonare Single Player Module - Beta 2 release - Testers nee
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2006, 01:27:53 pm »
I think I'll do this when I get home from work tonight.

Off-Topic:  Since we're at the moment officially not using NWN2 for playing on, any thoughts on creating NWN2 versions of these mods, or NWN2 exclusive layo mods?

Just curious.

Also, ACK!  I think my post count went way down :(  Maybe not, but I really think it was much higher, cuz I remember gloating to Leanthar way back in the day that I had hit 10% of his total (At the time)

Talan Va'lash

Re: Layonare Single Player Module - Beta 2 release - Testers nee
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2006, 07:39:29 pm »
At the moment the current goal is to get this version of the mod finished, for which we need everyones help.

We're not seeing as much activity as we need on the SP beta test forums since Beta2 came out, so download the mod and give it a go please.

I'm not aware of any plans to release layo related content for NWN2 at this time.

