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Author Topic: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...  (Read 462 times)


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    Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « on: September 20, 2006, 08:14:54 pm »
    I have finally accpeted it, I had a lot of fun, but I see this server is just like all the other RP servers Ive been to.

    You are all great people AND I MEAN all of you, however, just like all my attempts to find an RP home this one has failed as well, no ones fault but mine, I am too picky.

    I love RP, I love the Immersion of living in a fantasy game world, however, I don't like sitting around doing absolutely nothing. If I wanted something as real as Layonara, I would play Pen and paper, where I could just SAY  "5 hours uneventful hours have passed" Instead of small talking for 5 uneventful hours. Again nothing against you all, It my own issues. I am the type that likes to get in there and kill stuff and get cool rewards becuase of it, but also talk to people in character, and feel like I am there, without people spamming the shout channels and ruining immersion in the action servers. Thus I am a torn gamer. There is no server for me yet, and all I can do is continue the search.

    Layonara was fun as heck, yet in the end I don't feel at home here.

    GL to you all and happy adventures in NWN2


    -Hunter Talbot


    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #1 on: September 20, 2006, 08:30:12 pm »
    I hope you find your place. Good Luck out there.
      One note, I have been here over two years and have only seen the shout channel used a few times. And most of those are from the GM's. That is very rare. If someone is spamming the shout channel, please stop. It is agains server rules and like SeptemVII stated it ruins the immersion for all there. Layonara is definitely for a certain style gamer. The people are great but the main reason I stay...other than the the staff. They handle all kinds of things very profesional like and friendly.
      edit:added the word "like"


    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #2 on: September 20, 2006, 08:36:29 pm »
    Shouts are disabled on the server except for GM' not sure what he was talking about there. Maybe something changed yesterday with the hardware upgrade and all of the reconfigurations we had to do but I don't think they did. If players are using shout that is a very bad thing.


    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 08:46:01 pm »
    I think he meant that when he plays on action servers one of the things that annoys him is when people use the shout channel.


    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #4 on: September 20, 2006, 09:07:58 pm »
    Heh. I knew I hardly ever hear a shout. That is why. Shouts really do annoy me..."Server resetting///5 min. Find a safe place to rest and log out." I mean what is that? Thats crummy... :) (jk, I thought I better put this in here)


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    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #5 on: September 20, 2006, 09:10:25 pm »
    What ive usually done, if i want bashing with a touch of RP, go to a different server, bash intell your board, then come back here, kick back and RP. When you get board and want to bash again, hope back over to the bashy server. Good luck finding the place for you, id offer a few but i dont think its appropreat on these fourms.


    RE: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #6 on: September 20, 2006, 09:30:15 pm »
    septemVII - 9/21/2006  2:14 PM

    I have finally accpeted it, I had a lot of fun, but I see this server is just like all the other RP servers Ive been to.

    You are all great people AND I MEAN all of you, however, just like all my attempts to find an RP home this one has failed as well, no ones fault but mine, I am too picky.

    -Hunter Talbot

    Hello Friend,

    Captain Jake Saltpetre just bumped into Wema yesterday.  She was hanging around the Hlint benches talking to a few characters and causing havoc and fun.  Jake in there few comments (mainly Arrghs, and Avasts about the primative who had never seen the sea) and added to the general role play fun...

    However, at the same time Jake organised a party to collect silk, and later a trip into Haven Mines for some more iron.

    The best way to get out and see some action is to organise a party, or join a party or quest.  This can be done either impromtu, or through the calander.  It's important to let people know, in-character, that you want to get out and see the world.  As you have discovered it is perfectly possible to spend 5 hours of fun in Hlint roleplaying with other characters.  It's also possible to get involve in quests and events.

    If you have never been part of an organised calendar event, player event or GM event, then I would suggest that you try one before you leave.  The events are truely what make Layo worth playing.



    Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
    « Reply #7 on: September 20, 2006, 09:51:14 pm »
    Oh that's what shout is, I thought shout was the opisite of whisper.  I guess no one heard me the times I did that.


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      RE: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
      « Reply #8 on: September 23, 2006, 05:32:37 pm »

      I have been debateing for several days my desision to leave,
      I figured I would log in to the forums and look at my final post here,

      I believe, my tue problem is a very silly one. I want to solo, however I hate single player modules (Becuase they have a main quest) I want to Non-Linear gameplay of an MMO\\PW server in a single player mod.

      I have been inspired by the NWN2 toolset, and expect a Non-linear, roleplay based, single player mod with housing, massive dungeons, radomized quests, and lots of cool features to keep the soloist happy in the not to distant future.

      I hope you download it when it arrives,



      Re: Goodbye and thanks for the fun...
      « Reply #9 on: September 23, 2006, 07:11:25 pm »
      You can solo pretty well on Layonara, just depends on your class and time dedication.  Also, it has been my experience that if you want to kill something, bring it up.  Ok ok, before I get slammed for saying that, here's my point.  I don't like sitting aorund in town talking much what I do, is I try to find some RP way to say I want to go kill things.  The hard part (and some of the fun) is figuring up ways to make "hunting runs" fit your character's personality.  For example, a Wild Elf Druid would not like to go kill things in the woods for obvious reasons, however he may like to go to some tomb and kill the undead, which are things that are unnatural.  I have been on the server for weeks straight where I did nothing but join up with a party and kill giants.  Why did Caldiir kill them?  Because the Giants are an inferior race and should be exterminated.  

      I implore you to reconsider.  Once you find a group of people who you can party with, and who are around the same level, you find that they want to do the same thing that you want to do...I.E. kill thigns and get rewards.  Layonara is THE best RP PW on the net.  If you must go, then do your search, but none of the other worlds are as immersive, deep, and fun as Layonara.