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Author Topic: Question about an idea  (Read 49 times)


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    Question about an idea
    « on: July 16, 2005, 05:58:00 pm »
    I have been thinking about eventually starting an adventuring company, in game terms a guild. Now this is a ways off, as I need the levels I'm only 6 now, I need the money, I'm poor now. And I need some dedicated friends it takes 5 people at least to form a guild if I remember right.  But assuming I can accomplish making a few friends, raise money, and level up to the required level and form a guild. Would it be possible to use say my CDQ's for guild CDQ instead? It would allow more people to join quests. And I don't mean quests exclusive to the guild nor would the guild be exclusive to only grouping with it self.  I kind of have my idea of a guild mapped out over a few posts in the wild surge inn post gathering of heroes.

    Of course there it is mostly related to that post and there for huge, in practicality it would be much smaller. As an adventure company people could hire the guild to help with quests or mining, scouting, exploring all of that.  I know allot of people do that already, but it would give people especially new people a central place to turn for help when arriving in Hlint, as I would want to establish it in Hlint, maybe spread out latter.  I just know how hard and frustrating it can be to start out here, and from the overwhelming response to the post many others feel the same way. Their are over 20 people signed up in the hopes of getting a semi normal group going so they can do things. I am forced to spend a huge amount of time sitting on the bench in Hlint out side the inn.

     I am not pushy and don't tend to invite my self into groups. I have noticed that if I don't it is a rare event for someone to invite me, even if I am chatting with him or her while they wait.  Now they rarely turn me down if I do ask to go along, but as it’s not my personality nor is it my chars I tend to not invite my self.  And I see allot of newbies with the same problem.  I have two chars a level 6 and a level 7 that I have seem people that started after me and honestly don't play much more then me take 3 or 4 chars to levels higher then me since I started. That is kind of discouraging, I have fun role playing my char in town, but to be honest if she never levels I will eventually stop playing her and create a combat oriented character. I mean it stinks to have a great character for role playing, but she is really weak and soloing on Layo is hard to start with, as a result at level 6 I am lucky if I can solo the first level of the crypt or the red light mines, and beyond that forget it. I do fine in a group but if my options are to start just inviting my self along or not level, well I guess I will pry try to learn as much Layo history as I can from Ozy and never leave Hlint, and create a new combat character.

    Being new stink and is hard, so I intend to try to do something about it if I can. SO I guess my main question is. Is this even allowed under the guild function? Would anyone else be interested in something like this? And could you use your CDQ’s to develop your character thru a “guild” event? And if so what requirements or restrictions would be implemented?  

    On my old server I did something like this with my rogue information broker, but their CDQ’s were done different. For one they had to be completely role-played in game. This usually involved the character wanting a CDQ finding either my character, or one of the guilds available. My character was primarily for CDQ’s that were object oriented. They hired me to find an object and or it’s history so they could retrieve it. I worked outside the law but I was not part of the formal guilds thought I had ties to them all and worked for them all at one time or another.  Then the guild leader who were all GM’s would do the CDQ or if you came to me, I would write up a background and create the item, and submit them to the DM after role playing the information with you to find out exactly you were looking for and what you wanted from it etc. Not that I am suggesting something like that for Layo the CDQ process here is great already, just something that would be in place to assist new people or people that just need a hand on a quest. I also have some ideas for my character for CDQ’s and they are defiantly not a solo CDQ idea; I envision my CDQ’s requiring a decent group of most likely a decent size.  Why not help out the community by having more people involved in your CDQ? Sure it focuses on you but that don’t mean you shouldn’t need help on it.  Just an idea I am throwing around that would pry help out some people.  ANy thoughts?


    RE: Question about an idea
    « Reply #1 on: July 16, 2005, 06:36:00 pm »
    Soloing is hard on Layonara, because groups are heavily encouraged. Being low level can be hard on your grouping as well, either because you don't know the people or don't catch them when forming a party.

    My suggestion would be to invent a purpose, and form your own party.

    determine "I need to go to the red light caverns for Ronus" for example.
    Hang out in Hlint for a minute, sind a likely prospect walking somewhere. (walking people are more likely to have nothing to do I think)
    Start out "Pardon me, do you have a moment?" 97% of people will stop and either yes or no you.
    Make your pitch. "Me name be Grog, short stinky fellow want gobby head, me no can fight that much, you help Grog?"

    Put yourself out there and eventually you will find a few folks who will be regular adventure mates. The same thing happened to me, you just have to be persistant.



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      RE: Question about an idea
      « Reply #2 on: July 16, 2005, 07:30:00 pm »
      Yeah I know and I have friends on the server and I can form a group, but its hard. EIther my firends are in groups or what ever. Also in a RP sence its not my characters personality so to form a group like that is slightly out of character, unless she actualy finds a quest. Being to weak to travel and having completed the Hlint quests makes it even harder to do and stay in character. Also I try to avoid using the mythical genius homing birds to track people down via tells.

      Its a option and it can be done and if thats people RP style fine. I was just trying to come up with something that can involve more people and help new people as well as established people starting a new character. I don't know I kind of feel that if were not involving others were not really productive. Maybe its just me, but I like to see everyone involved and having fun. That way they get the most of of their limited playing time.

      I would rather scrap a character and start over then break down and stop role playing them correctly.  I like my bard and will always play her, but she may end up bing a full time resident of Hlint. In game as a historian she would just become a historian of Hlint and the surounding area. But I know not everyone is like this. Allot of people just kind of invite them self along with a group or ask if they can join, if thats their character style thats fine. But I am a bookish historian, and lore keeper. I am interested in history and lore not getting a new story to tell at the inn.


      RE: Question about an idea
      « Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 10:54:00 pm »
      "...Would it be possible to use say my CDQ's for guild CDQ instead?..."
        Yes, entirely possible.  We just need to spread the "love" when doing CDQ's so we need to make sure everybody (not just a guild etc.) is getting their CDQ's run.
        "...As an adventure company people could hire the guild to help with quests or mining, scouting, exploring all of that. I know allot of people do that already, but it would give people especially new people a central place to turn for help when arriving in Hlint, as I would want to establish it in Hlint, maybe spread out latter. I just know how hard and frustrating it can be to start out here, and from the overwhelming response to the post many others feel the same way. Their are over 20 people signed up in the hopes of getting a semi normal group going so they can do things. I am forced to spend a huge amount of time sitting on the bench in Hlint out side the inn..."
        Love it, this is exactly what I want the player community to do.  Learn the game, learn the rules and then teach new players what we are all about while also letting them discover the world.