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Author Topic: Report of lost emeralds  (Read 227 times)


Report of lost emeralds
« on: July 08, 2011, 07:49:05 am »
*Griff makes a formal report to the Rofireinite Temple in Vehl.  He explains he was at the enchanting altar in the town and mistakenly left two fine emeralds in the altar.  He went back later to retrieve them and they were gone.  He asks if anybody had come in to return them to the lost and found.  He asks that he be notified immediately if two fine emeralds turn up some how.*

//On 7/5/11 Griff left two fine emeralds in one of (think it was the one on the right) the enchanting altars in the crafting/alchemy tower at the docks in Vehl.  Please let me know if anyone found them so they can be returned.  Griff feels pretty embarrassed about this and would have no hard feelings to the one that removed them for safe keeping in case there was a server reset:)


Re: Report of lost emeralds
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2011, 08:34:00 am »
A certain elf clad in purple and muttering silliness holds an emerald up to each eye which are already covered by goggles.

/// Pretty sure I found them while mucking about with my alt character. I'll try and catch you IG sometime this weekend to give them to you. ///