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Author Topic: The Finale - Where Will You Be?  (Read 246 times)


Re: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #40 on: June 23, 2006, 02:50:25 pm »
@nibor21. Do you have a solution? I don't...we might put another server up for another quest but that other quest is not defined. I do think we have a gm that could run the other quest (if we get one defined)...other than that I have no other solution. Do you?


Re: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #41 on: June 23, 2006, 03:05:08 pm »
I was actually thinking of something more simple like you thinking of a number, and getting people to post what they think is the number on a forum post. 18 nearest from each list of calendar signed up individuals gets in.

Make the announcements two hours earlier - that gives europe the chance to see if it is worth staying up for.

I confess it isn't actually as elegant as the other server idea, but it does mean people won't necessarily hang around for ages beforehand (which may cause lag anyway) just on the off chance.

I don't want to be a trouble causer, just didn't want to have make a pot of coffe i could stand a spoon up in if i didn't have too :P


Re: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #42 on: June 23, 2006, 03:12:16 pm »
You guys can do that if you want but I am not going to be doing that. I will have enough on my plate before the quest starts (well before--ie many hours).

You will find that not everybody will read the forums, answer the post and many will not show up--but many will show up that did not sign up...

You are welcome to try.


Re: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #43 on: June 24, 2006, 03:30:07 am »
one thought would be to have a backup defense in waiting incase things go badly.. then throw a few things at it when the main front isn't in an eminent fight situation.. everyone could do something but not everyone needs to be main battle line.  another thought would be to have a corps defending West in Leilon to thwart pirates or forces that escape Dregar...kind of late I know but it doesn't have to be a big thing really.. few bad guys to whack and most will be happy to say they participated in some way I think.  At least they won't have to say they shoveled ox poop in the Hlint stable when the war was going on...hehe


Re: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #44 on: June 24, 2006, 06:31:15 am »
Working on a 1700 word, 15 page paper... grrrr




RE: The Finale - Where Will You Be?
« Reply #46 on: June 24, 2006, 07:27:16 am »
My character Sonya DarkAngel is going to try and be at the quest: in defense.   I'm going out to dinner before that so I hope I will make it.   I should be able to make it if I got the time right.   To bad I probebly won't be able to get my sonya to lvl 8 before then.

