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Author Topic: Requesting some information about the game-world  (Read 195 times)


Requesting some information about the game-world
« on: September 18, 2005, 04:54:00 pm »
I'm thinking about retiring my current character and starting another one.  I'm not having as much fun with him as I would like.  I have an idea of character in mind, but before I get to writing up a bio I do have a few questions about the game-world.  If this is the wrong forum to ask can a mod please move this thread to the proper forum?

1.  What would be an alternate name, if any, of the Greypeak Mountians that inhabitants would call it (like a tribe of Giants)?

2.  Would a priestess of Aragen travel across the lands and interview adventurers or mercenaries about the war with Bloodstone?  I was thinking that they might just so they could record history.  If not could you recommend another faction that would?

3.  Are there any kingdoms in the area of Mistone that would form an army to fight Bloodstone?.  Either in the preset or the past.

Thanks in advance.


RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2005, 05:19:00 pm »
Alot of the information you are looking for might be available in the campaign handbook...


RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2005, 05:52:00 pm »
That's what I thought also.  I did a search for Greypeak and couldn't find any alternate names for it.  The same with an army that could have been raised within the last 10 years or so.

It's no big deal really.  My ideas aren't set in stone.  I could easily change the idea about an army to the town being attacked by Bloodstone and have my character, which I'm hoping will be a Half-Giant, just call his home Greykpeak.  The idea I'm thinking about with a priestess of Aragen could easily be changed also to someone that's just trying to record the events of the world. Tho I'd like to use my original ideas. :)


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RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
1. Alternate names for the Grey Peaks would depend on the person who was talking about it ... a few ideas -
 The Kings Mountain (based on the old King of Greypeak)
 Storan's Mountain
 The Mountain of the Crypt
2. A priestess of Aragen would be interested in knowledge .... so going about finding first hand history would wok well.

3. Ummm .... well ... I guess Queen Allurial might, or the king of Dregar ...


RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2005, 06:39:00 pm »
Thanks a lot, Zhofe! :)  Those were the answers that I was looking for.


RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2005, 11:15:00 pm »
Zhofe - 9/19/2005 3:08 AM 1. Alternate names for the Grey Peaks would depend on the person who was talking about it ... a few ideas - The Kings Mountain (based on the old King of Greypeak) Storan's Mountain The Mountain of the Crypt
 As it is a large mountain range, and not a single mountain, I don't think any of the names you suggested fit, Zhofe :) But at the moment, there's no 'official' alternate name for the Greypeaks. However, if you are considering making a half-giant that comes from there, feel free to submit what the giants call it to me and I'll see if it fits and maybe put it in the next handbook.
2. A priestess of Aragen would be interested in knowledge .... so going about finding first hand history would wok well.
 It sure would! What also would word is a monk of Aragen who is a member of the Bearers of Knowledge (see handbook).
3. Ummm .... well ... I guess Queen Allurial might, or the king of Dregar ...


RE: Requesting some information about the game-world
« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 02:18:00 am »
Well darn.  I've already submitted my character without using a region that he came from.  If I can come up with one I'll edit my bio to reflect it - I hope that will be okay to do even if my character has already been accepted - and you a PM with both the name of the region and a link to my bio.

