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Author Topic: Questions regarding "where to hunt"  (Read 249 times)


Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
« Reply #20 on: May 06, 2006, 01:30:19 pm »
@Philosopher - for a rogue, it's very RP-friendly to run and hide and strike again.

If the rogue can outrun the monster chasing him, and makes his way around a corner - why, it's the perfect time to set up an ambush.  The monster charges around the corner... and comes up short, looking around in confusion.  Why, that adventurer MUST be here, he just came this way!  Our intrepid hero releases his hold on the rockface above and behind the unsuspecting monster, landing silently as a cat, and approaches stealthily, his dagger already drawn and gleaming in the moonlight....

Bwa haa haa haa...

Talan Va'lash

Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
« Reply #21 on: May 06, 2006, 03:33:36 pm »
the action that should not be done and is exploitative and harms other players in an ooc manner is leading enemies to a transition to get away from them.

Don't lead enemies to a transition to play the "who can load into the next area faster and get away" game.  It leaves the monsters there at the transition to attack other players who go through the transition before they even fully load the area.  The "hey, don't expect stuff to always be the same, its a dynamic world." excuse does not hold out in this circumstance as area transitions are an ooc bow to the game mechanics.  characters should not be ambushed at transitions because a transition isn't an IC chokepoint its an ooc chokepoint.  IC, walking is continuous, you walk around from one place to the next and don't have to wait to load the area.

Anyway, thats whats against the rules to do wrt running away.  Its fine to run away and set up an ambush as long as you are not exploiting the AI in some other way (i.e. getting them stuck on terrain so you can snipe them with a bow or getting them to do any other such silly thing that is obviously due to the stupid AI and not something any living being would do.)


Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
« Reply #22 on: May 06, 2006, 03:56:33 pm »
Why not RP in Hlint for a while? Walk up to a stranger sat on the bench near Hlint bank, introduce yourself and talk, Dulan tends to ask LOADS of questions and sometimes get into arguments about things, or get a deep insight at another character's past...
Also if I am in "Nothing to do state" I tend to craft, like chop some trees to make into charcoal, collect knuckles to enchant with etc etc....As your a rouge, maybe some clay and sand to tinker, make moulds and glass ingots to then sell on!


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    RE: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
    « Reply #23 on: May 06, 2006, 04:33:42 pm »
    I've read waaaay to many suggestions about "Why don't you roleplay, too?", and while I understand that they are good-intentioned, let me assure you that I like roleplaying, and I'm not obsessed with being the number one player in matters of levels or something like that  ;)

    Yes, I know that I can roleplay with others if there isn't a buddy to hunt stuff with. Yes, I know that I can craft stuff, but trust me when I tell you, it's frustrating to gather resources only to have them go to waste after trying to craft the most basic items (Like cloth).

    Still, the comments posted recently have given me time to change my perspective, and so I'll focus more on roleplaying, rather than always being out there, hunting and slaying critters. I can't participate in most events, mainly because I don't have the time to remain in my pc for so many hours in a row, either because my siblings come by and want their turns, or simply because my eyes and body hurt like... a lot, if I play for too long.

    Once more, thank you for the help. It's useful  :)


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      Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
      « Reply #24 on: May 06, 2006, 08:10:48 pm »
      Hey, I'm pretty new too, but I've made some great friends so far (some VASTLY higher in level than me).  Still, I know where you're coming from.  Trying to RP a paladin the way he's supposed to be, I'm not one to go up and attach myself to groups or what not (a paladin would find that imposing).  On the other hand, just from having conversations with folks, I get invited on a great many outings ("to root out evil" and the like; fantastic IC reasons for a paladin) with high level people, and the experience (both the points and the time spent with new friends) is really good.

      I'm on most nights, usually between 2130 and 2300 CST.  For a rogue and a paladin to team up will take some interesting RP, but I'm sure we could hash it out.  Look up happy to play with you.:)


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        Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
        « Reply #25 on: May 06, 2006, 09:11:33 pm »
        Creighton - 5/6/2006  8:10 PM

        Hey, I'm pretty new too, but I've made some great friends so far (some VASTLY higher in level than me).  Still, I know where you're coming from.  Trying to RP a paladin the way he's supposed to be, I'm not one to go up and attach myself to groups or what not (a paladin would find that imposing).  On the other hand, just from having conversations with folks, I get invited on a great many outings ("to root out evil" and the like; fantastic IC reasons for a paladin) with high level people, and the experience (both the points and the time spent with new friends) is really good.

        I'm on most nights, usually between 2130 and 2300 CST.  For a rogue and a paladin to team up will take some interesting RP, but I'm sure we could hash it out.  Look up happy to play with you.:)

        Thanks. I'll try to remember your name if I say you :)


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        Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
        « Reply #26 on: May 08, 2006, 11:11:47 am »
        Even after all this time I'm still in that same position.  "Cleansing X area of Y evildoers" gets so old its irritating, but even in groups it has to be done so often to gain that next level you want to puke.  I usually end up sitting in Hlint until I log off because everyone's talking about plots I have never heard of, or the wrong combination of people is around to do anything.  i.e. no cleric/fighter/rogue(for Storan's)/etc. . .  A lot of times, anywhere groups want to "go" involves at least 1-2 hours, and I don't always have the time to join them since travel time to a lot of places can be upwards of 30 minutes.

        Roleplaying is nice, but *just* sitting in Hlint all the time gets old.


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          Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
          « Reply #27 on: May 08, 2006, 12:31:27 pm »
          PsychicToaster - 5/8/2006  11:11 AM

          Even after all this time I'm still in that same position.  "Cleansing X area of Y evildoers" gets so old its irritating, but even in groups it has to be done so often to gain that next level you want to puke.  I usually end up sitting in Hlint until I log off because everyone's talking about plots I have never heard of, or the wrong combination of people is around to do anything.  i.e. no cleric/fighter/rogue(for Storan's)/etc. . .  A lot of times, anywhere groups want to "go" involves at least 1-2 hours, and I don't always have the time to join them since travel time to a lot of places can be upwards of 30 minutes.

          Roleplaying is nice, but *just* sitting in Hlint all the time gets old.

          That's my fear, too. Today I did a GM quest (Great quest, by the way), and it took about 3 hours to do.I'm afraid I won't have the time to do things like that all days. Especially if I get a job for the summer. I wonder what I will do when my levelling depends on GM quests... roleplaying at Hlint forever sounds like something that will get old, as you say.


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          Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
          « Reply #28 on: May 08, 2006, 02:52:58 pm »
          I just find it irksome that we have to dance around the word "Hunting" as a naughty word even though that's exactly what people are doing.


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          Re: Questions regarding "where to hunt"
          « Reply #29 on: May 08, 2006, 03:06:22 pm »
          PsychicToaster - 5/9/2006  7:52 AM  I just find it irksome that we have to dance around the word "Hunting" as a naughty word even though that's exactly what people are doing.
           unless you play a dim witted half-orc ;) (that is currently a bit stuffed up cos i'm stupid and forgot tho change his name when i rebuilt him >