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Author Topic: Is it possible for a hostile in detect mode to see through Greater Sanctuary?  (Read 64 times)


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Just curious.  Only on a few rare occasions has something seen through a G-Sanct Yash was under.  I say this now after being sure that there are no negating effects.  These are quite rare occurences so this has nothing to do with the bug post I withdrew.  I was however deep in a cave under the effects of a greater sanctuary and was walking around no problem.  Then once I rounded a corner a jelly "spotted" me I guess as it started chasing me and attacking me.  The issue here is, that when this happens, should I attack I don't break the sanctuary which means I'm unable to heal or cast any other spell as I'm etheral.  Very problematic as once being chased running by any other hostile that might not have seen me the first time now does.  I'm assuming this is because something else with the same faction (the jelly) did see me?  Just looking for some thoughts as I've no clue how this happens.  It has only happened less than a handful so a rare occursion, yet; intriguing.


RE: Is it possible for a hostile in detect mode to see through G
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2005, 12:40:00 pm »
Yes it has happened on a few occations.. a glitch if you will with BioWare

Also don't mix invisibility with Greater Sanc.. they will cancel each other out even though you won't know it.

Wait a few minutes and the pro's will hop all over this for you




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RE: Is it possible for a hostile in detect mode to see through G
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2005, 12:44:00 pm »
Thanks Doc.  I just couldn't figure out any other way that something would be seeing through the G-Sanct.  I am assuming the Detect Mode is the likely culprit.  Thanks to another post I did figure out before that I was negating my G-Sanct effect but this is somthing different all together.

Edit  Thanks as well Ed.


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RE: Is it possible for a hostile in detect mode to see through G
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
I was wondering if a death as a result of this is fileable under grievances if DT should result of it?