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Author Topic: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death  (Read 113 times)

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Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« on: November 09, 2005, 04:46:00 pm »
After Roxx recovered from his recent passing he decided to post this notice
  "Within feet of the safe rest area just east of Point Harbour I found myself attacked by the elf ranger in the area and didn't have time to protect myself, Ok that is my problem right? However when a stranger walks up while i'm still yelling for help and says and does nothing I wonder why? So here is my question to Lueanne Lightfinger why let me die your an Elf I get that but was no reasone for watching me suffer and doing nothing?"
  Roxx Cloudwalker,
  Cleric of Lucinda


RE: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
Heh Lueanne isn't an elf and there is no rule that a character must help another because they are dying.Its certainly a nice thing to do but it may have been out of RP for that character to save yours and considering this is an RP server...

I know that in the frame of mind my characters in she certainly wouldn't go out of her way to heal or help anyone right now.

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RE: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2005, 04:52:00 pm »
one she's a halfling, and second, i saw you laying there, looked into my inventory and saw i had no targetable potions and as a rogue with no potions or heal scrolls there really isn't much i can do, so i continued on

Thunder Pants

RE: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2005, 04:54:00 pm »
sorry that was me, i forgot to log in


RE: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2005, 05:09:00 pm »
Lue has already answered but I'll chime in with agreement that there is no reason for everyone to heal. If Amelia or Sago happened by you they would cure you in a second. If Amra passed she would pull out bandages and try and help. If Duur passed he probably would try not to step on you but probably wouldn't think to help either. If Bimpo passed AND if she was going slow enough to notice AND had a potion, she would help, but without a potion there isn't much she can do. If Vin passed he probably wouldn't help unless he knew you and if you were drow he might laugh as he passed.

I remember one time Vin came out of the broken forest to find a drow next to death on the ground. He came over looked down at him, snickered and went on his way.

Thunder Pants

RE: Roxx Cloudwalkers recent death
« Reply #5 on: November 09, 2005, 05:10:00 pm »
ohh and as to why i said nothing, i thought you were already dead, and quite frankly Lue has nothing to say to a corpse of a person whom she didn't know, feel lucky she didn't go through your pockets

also this could have easily been done VIA PMs or by sending Lue a Tell in game as we are both still currently in game, there was no need make this public, not that it really maters