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Author Topic: Messenger Falcons  (Read 55 times)


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Messenger Falcons
« on: November 03, 2006, 10:23:23 am »
Ok folks, it's now officially time for me to sound really lame again. :)  I've seen one or two messenger falcons before and I always thought that it was a GM trying to start up a quest.  So, to my suprise, when a falcon visited me just a few minutes ago, all I could think was "Crud, I've got to leave for work in fifteen minutes, but I really wanna do a quest."  Obviously I opened it and again to my suprise it was from another player.  I'd just like to say that this is one of the coolest things I've seen.  Not only did it make me feel incredibly special (don't need much help there) but it was an incredibly realistic way to communicate in game.  I'd like to say "Well Done!" to all those involved in thinking of this and all those involved in developing it.  Excellent!  Now I just have to figure out how to respond to my letter! *whistles for the falcon and stares into the sky expectantly*  ;)

-Minugi the Mute (Trip1888)


Re: Messenger Falcons
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 10:29:33 am »
Register your Public CD-Key on LORE. If you're not sure what that is, look here.

Once you've done that, find any character page, Acacea's for example, and click "Send Letter" at the top. Then you just select the character who will be sending it and write the message. It deducts 50gp from your bank account and is automatically signed unless you select the "anonymous" option for an additional 100gp.

And yes! It's a great system.

If you haven't seen it already, check out the quill and parchments for being able to write notes and letters in-game...likely helpful for a mute character.