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Author Topic: Weird situation in sielwood caves this morning  (Read 47 times)


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    Weird situation in sielwood caves this morning
    « on: August 04, 2005, 11:33:00 am »
    Ok. Before I make any comments into the bug section, I was wondering if anyone noticed anything different on the serverr this morning in around sielwood. Two things I noticed, well I notified Vyris of one of them, which wasn't as high a priority thing for my particular character, but was probably more important as far as playing on Layo. The one I actually want to mention on this thread, if anyone noticed anything different about npc combat rolls the morning of Aug 4th, between 6 and 7:10 am pacific. Unfortunately I did not make a screenshot, thus cannot quiet prove even now to myself I was not hallucinating or had the alchohol out of my system, it was early in the morning and I did go to sleep way after midnight the same morning.


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      RE: Weird situation in sielwood caves this morning
      « Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 12:27:00 pm »
      Ok went back last night. Everything seems normal. *note to self get more sleep*

