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Author Topic: Seeking Some Input  (Read 153 times)


Seeking Some Input
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:38:02 pm »
Hey everyone... I have a little bit of a quandry and am seeking some feedback. My toon Stygian is working towards being able to multiclass to cleric... mainly for the huge RP potential it is going to open up.His wisdom is 10, and from what I understand you need an 11 to cast divine spells. He is getting ready to pick up level 24, which I think means he will get a stat to boost, am I correct? So, an 11 would allow him to cast 1st level spells?Now, I think you get a stat boost every 4 levels too?? So, by level 40 he can potentially have a 15 and be able to cast 5th level spells?I'm not sure if there are any feats in there that could assist him either.I'm not a stat hound or proficient at min/maxing, so any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Lance Stargazer

Hi Yes, for the cleric
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2014, 11:54:19 pm »


Yes, for the cleric standpoint you need Wis 11 and you may as well devote feats for Greater wisdom as well to increase those points

This of course are feats that you may need to take as well if you want to reach to higher wisdom.

I am not fully sure if the points taken for the feats counts as ability points or magical bonuses, i know of a wizard for example that had not recieved any benefit of greater int even while picking that feat, cause her int is maxed by jewerly, not sure if may be the case with wisdom.



Well, if you took nothing but
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 09:59:00 am »

Well, if you took nothing but cleric levels froim this point forward (assuming you do get approved to do so), you'd end up with 17 levels of cleric, which is enough (just barely) to have access to ninth level cleric spells. However, you would of course need a 19 wisdom score to actually be able to cast the 9th level spells.

Yes, by 40th he'd have a 15 just from normal stat increases every four levels. The Great Wisdom feats do increase "base score," and therefore should allow for further spellcasting, meaning if he uses four of his remaining feats to take Great Wisdom, he'll have the minum needed to cast 9th level spells by 40th level. He wouldn't be able to cast ninth level cleric spells until 40th level anyway, as that's when he'll become a 17th level cleric.

You should also get a feat at 24th level, so if you increase the ability score and take the feat Great Wisdom at 24th, he'll have a 12 Wisdom, allowing him to cast up to second level spells (which he will gain upon reaching third level cleric, or 27th level, at which point you can take another feat to increase his Wisdom again).



Awesome Milt... You are music
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 11:05:00 am »

Awesome Milt... You are music to my ears.