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Author Topic: Server Downtime and Xora's Vial  (Read 81 times)

Talan Va'lash

Server Downtime and Xora's Vial
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:58:40 pm »
[SIZE=13]While the servers are down (see this,) you are free to play (and help test) the current beta  of Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial.  It's fun and you might learn something about Layonara that you didn't know! Maybe even a lot of things. The module is packed with arcane Layonara legends and history and makes reference to many events and characters that Layonara PW players may be familiar with.  Xora's Vial gives you the chance to play a role in the main Layonara plot leading up to the defeat of Sinthar Bloodstone as you take the role of an adventurer of moderate skill thrust into circumstances that influence the course of history.   This story was behind the scenes of the main story of Soul of a Lost Ancient as run in the PW, and while it is very linked it does not require any knowledge of Soul of a Lost Ancient, though those that do will be able to see how the story is part of a much greater picture.  There are several outcomes to Xora's Vial and if you dig deep enough in the legends of Layonara you can find the ripples of each outcome.  The final release of Towers of Dregar: Xora's Vial will be in less than three weeks![/SIZE]


Re: Server Downtime and Xora's Vial
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2007, 08:13:40 pm »
Thank you for posting this Talan.

I would really like to encourage everybody to please download and play that module. The more testers we get the better the module release will be. We need testers. We have a few downright awesome ones testing now, but we need more.


Re: Server Downtime and Xora's Vial
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 05:57:15 am »
aye, once you've started playing it, you wont stop until its finished :D