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Author Topic: Since I don't see it up here:  (Read 120 times)


Since I don't see it up here:
« on: March 31, 2006, 06:25:14 am »
This is a thanks to the GMs (and the whole team really), specifically Rhizome and Orion and OneST8 (the ones I saw, if I missed someone, please forgive me) for an excellent quest series starter last night.  

The stakes were high, the drama was high, and more importantly, and most definately rhymingly, Cole didn't die!  *snickers*

Seriously, I was engrossed the whole time.  I could feel the tension and those gathered RP'd through it so excellently.  It was well worth staying up 4 hours past my bedtime  :p

Rock on.


Re: Since I don't see it up here:
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 07:14:44 am »
Id have to agree and thanks to the GMs team for running a great starter to the series ...
 It was deffently worth getting up at 6.30am to be a part of what was some of the best RP from the members of the group and GM team I have seen in a very long time ....

Cant wait for the next part , see everyone there ..

