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Author Topic: Embarass me at Supreme Commander  (Read 137 times)


Embarass me at Supreme Commander
« on: March 20, 2008, 01:01:53 am »
As the title says I am just getting started at going online in Supreme Commander. Currently I am playing with the Forged Alliance expansion, just because I like all of the changes. The units actually move in formation. I suggest that any of you who like Supreme Commander to get the expansion. It's UI is a lot more streamlined and all of the in game menus are transparent. There are a few critical new units and changes as well. The experimentals we're jerked around a little bit. T1 Mass Fabs no longer exist, but a T2 version is available. It's all about holding Mexes for as long as you can until T3 where the game explodes in a few minutes after. The game really changes for the better.

If any of you are playing it and would like to beat the living  out of me, please let me know. Well set something up over GPGnet, and I can promise you a good T1 fight at least.

