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Author Topic: Hope of healing for those bitten  (Read 55 times)


Hope of healing for those bitten
« on: December 06, 2007, 01:39:05 am »
*Notices are placed in the major towns and intersections around Mistone* There have been many bitten recently by werewolves or other were creatures of considerable power.  A possible healing can be conducted by three allied clergy.  Clarissa, Rose, and Ortheus of the church of Toran will be attempting to drive the infection from any who need it at the Citadel in Huangjin.  Any wanting to be part of this attempt please leave word at any temple of Toran of your availability.  If multiple sessions need to be conducted they will.  None in need will be refused.  If funds or transportation are needed to get to the citadel they will be provided by the church.

//anyone who has been bitten and wants to have a cure attemped please post here with a time you are available.  This Thursday after 4pm PST will be the first availability.  This has to be coordinated with jrizz as well so it is also subject to his availability.


Re: Hope of healing for those bitten
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 05:17:02 pm »
*Clarissa goes around and ensures that her posters are on the front of local bulletin boards knowing that the infected are out there and not understand why they haven't contacted her*


Re: Hope of healing for those bitten
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2007, 07:31:14 pm »
*Passing through Hlint, Val sees the notice.  "Rose, Classisa.... who's this Ortheus?  Figures those ladies would come up with something."  Reaching for a quill, she winces and takes a moment to compose herself, then writes:*

I would greatly appreciate any help.  I am unfamiliar with this Citadel mentioned, though, and may need a guide.

Valmara Dragonheart

//Saturday 12/8 8:00 PM PST works well.  After that, after 8:00 PM PST any weekday except Friday.

