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Author Topic: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2  (Read 186 times)


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RE: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2006, 03:44:45 am »
I see they have speak language as a skill, that'd be fun to rp, as it'd mean a half-orc with skill points in it, could decipher some like... high drow... even if he couldn't speak common properly, I'm so going to do that in nwn2, I should make him a bard aswell. And with what ZeroVega was saying about assassin alignment restrictions, i think they should make it so that they have to be non-lawful rather than having to be evil, as that'd mean you'd be able to have honorable assassins, eg. the guy who assassinates evil overlords. And I noticed that under the description for Ranged Legerdemain it said that you could not take 10, take 10? That'll be weird. Arcane trickster looks like it'd be fun to play though, a magic-weilding sneak-attacking... guy... *scratches head*
 Anyway, just thought I'd post a few of my thoughts  :D


Re: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« Reply #21 on: May 07, 2006, 06:25:09 am »
Shadowblade225 - 5/5/2006  1:06 PM

I'm personally not a big fan of prestige classes.  Glad to see shadowdancer isn't on the list, but I'm sure it will be eventually. *Shrugs* I think they're overpowered.  Argue if you will.  I doubt you could sway me :)

I'll agree that Hide in Plain Sight is overpowered. But then if you look at the other abilities shadowdancers get (with the exception of the summon), they aren't that great.

I liked shadowdancers a lot better in PnP, and they were actually my favorite class then. Sadly, its  tough to relay a lot of the PnP aspect of Shadowdancers into NWN.


RE: Some confirmed Prestige Classes of NWN 2
« Reply #22 on: May 07, 2006, 07:48:22 am »
Schmack - 5/7/2006  6:44 AM

I see they have speak language as a skill, that'd be fun to rp, as it'd mean a half-orc with skill points in it, could decipher some like... high drow... even if he couldn't speak common properly, I'm so going to do that in nwn2, I should make him a bard aswell. And with what ZeroVega was saying about assassin alignment restrictions, i think they should make it so that they have to be non-lawful rather than having to be evil, as that'd mean you'd be able to have honorable assassins, eg. the guy who assassinates evil overlords. And I noticed that under the description for Ranged Legerdemain it said that you could not take 10, take 10? That'll be weird. Arcane trickster looks like it'd be fun to play though, a magic-weilding sneak-attacking... guy...  *scratches head*
 Anyway, just thought I'd post a few of my thoughts  :D

I think you're under the impression that those are NWN statblocks. They're PnP... In PnP, you can "Take 10" when you're performing some action that doesn't require any special effort on your part, such as a strong fighter climbing a rough cliff with very light gear. (DC 14, STR bonus of +4 makes taking 10 an option.)

As for "Speak Language"... That's a remnant of 3e, where you only had to spend a skill point or two to learn a new language.

Though assassins... Non-lawful? Och. I'd rather thing Non-Good would be a better idea on that one. Though really, the class is built with some specific class features that even a lot of neutral characters wouldn't be able to handle, morally, so... Perhaps Any Evil is the best alignment for them, after all. Because really, it doesn't take having the Assassin class to be and assassin.

