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Author Topic: New Guild Application  (Read 182 times)


New Guild Application
« on: February 14, 2008, 06:21:24 pm »
Hi. I have been thinking about how to do this post IC but have given up after half a dozen attempts. :)

Firstly, if you cannot trust yourself not to metagame then read no further.

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Seriously. If you're not sure you're up to it, cease now.

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Okay, if you're still reading, remember you have agreed not to metagame.

What you need to know.

New guild proposal - seeking members. We need to have confirmed participants before this can be formally taken to Leanthar for approval.

Guild: The Vault

First Tier of operations.
Legitimate moneylending enterprise.

Receive deposits from players at 10% interest paid per RL month.
Loan money to players at 20% interest received per RL month.

Simple huh?

Second Tier of operations.
Something for our 'seedier' characters. Please PM for details if this is something that you think might be of interest for your character.

IMPORTANT -> Those operating in the first tier will have no knowledge of those involved in the second tier (and vice versa). There would be two entirely separate forums established. Membership of one aspect/tier will almost certainly preclude membership of the other (though not at a customer level, ie a member of the guild second tier might still want to borrow money).

Okay, what do I need from you?

If one wants to buy a seat on the 'table' of the Vault (first tier operations) - entitling them to a say in policy matters and a fair and proportional share of bank profits (if any) - the cost is 100,000 true.

If one wants to buy a seat at the 'ring' of the Vault (second tier of operations) - entitling then to certain things (PM for more info'n) - the cost is 100,000 true.

Can't afford it? I hear there is a bank opening with reasonable rates of interest. ;)

Feel free to post expressions of interest (excuse the pun) or clarifying questions here. Those expressing interest in the second tier might wish to send me a PM. This new guild is provisional based upon sufficient interest and members.

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