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Author Topic: all my spell icons are white  (Read 42 times)


all my spell icons are white
« on: September 01, 2005, 01:27:00 pm »


RE: all my spell icons are white
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2005, 01:35:00 pm »
Hi posted this on the problem log on forum but i still have the same problem and it is not going away- After reformatting my hard drive and reloaading windows et al I loaded all three nwn s of U and HotU . I did not play them untill all were loaded. I then updated to 1.66 but it failed so i went to bioware and did the critical rebuild which loaded. I then downloaded all the nesessary hak, tlk and portraits then i played the game on various sites all with the same results i.e. that all spell icons and some armour and misc were white. I then removed the nwn from my computor and did all ove the above again- Please if anyone has any thoughts Id love to hear them