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Author Topic: Stone Has Fallen thread  (Read 160 times)


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Stone Has Fallen thread
« on: January 03, 2006, 07:33:00 am »
Go Here

Please Do not go to Stone! If you do, DON'T drag Blood's Guards away from Stone!
Just take it and die. Sorry but running from Blood's Guards out of Stone is killing other PC's.

Thank You

Sorry Gulnyr I stand corrected and edited that out.


RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2006, 08:00:00 am »
If I may, there is a town between Stone and the swamp, where NPCs dwell and juniper berries sprout plump and juicy.  Since both dumping anything chasing you on an NPC and running for a town are against server rules, making for the swamp isn't really an option.

If you're going to Stone, just be an adult.  Stand there and take what you've got coming.


RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2006, 08:13:00 am »
Yeah I had to remove 3 Dwarven guards that were hanging around ATs between Stone and Point Harbor.  Not nice.



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RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2006, 02:39:00 pm »
Maybe setup the Guards like the Griffons near Fort Hope. Make it so they wont go through to chase. Besides they are guards not hunters... Just make it so they auto heal and rebuff so people cant use it as a way to wear down the guards... Not everyone is Clued in to what happened there and it is Very OOC to think eveyone has psycic powers or hangs around the rumor mill to know every what is what going on around the world. Infact it seems a bit out of place for people to have such extensive knowledge of things happeing tens of miles away, given most people only knew what was happening in the village they live in.



RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2006, 04:28:00 pm »
Problem is, if you are like me and don't go through Rilara at all, you make a wrong turn and wind up in Stone being pummeled by dwarves. Not fun.


RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2006, 05:22:00 pm »
davidtownsend - 1/3/2006  3:39 PM

Maybe setup the Guards like the Griffons near Fort Hope. Make it so they wont go through to chase. Besides they are guards not hunters... Just make it so they auto heal and rebuff so people cant use it as a way to wear down the guards... Not everyone is Clued in to what happened there and it is Very OOC to think eveyone has psycic powers or hangs around the rumor mill to know every what is what going on around the world. Infact it seems a bit out of place for people to have such extensive knowledge of things happeing tens of miles away, given most people only knew what was happening in the village they live in.

I think you could be pretty confident that everyone who came within the walls of a town would have heard from a town crier, gate guard, or general posting that Stone had been invaded, Sinthar Bloodstone put the smack down in Stone via some troops, an invasion of the continent of Mistone is something thats resulted in a general state of alarm all across the government of Mistone, all the towns, churches and affiliated members of those places know whats doing on, you would have to be stone deaf and just coming off a week long bender to not know about it. *grins*

That being said, It's a game, and the mechanics that Bioware gave us to work with don't always allow us the control we desire or the manner of control we would prefer. We do our best to make sure if things wander they get put back, but it's up to the playerbase to play responsibly.

News travels by any means, adventurers, druids and rangers, I bet the Queen probably has some carrier pidgeons too.

You can still get to Lannisport by going the looong way through Karthy and back through the swamp, darn, those pesky hostile invasions are inconvenient aren't they?



RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2006, 06:05:00 pm »
Is it possible the soldiers could be moved back a bit though? I mean, Jet knows the place has been invaded, he knows he'll die if he goes there, but the stupid player doesn't seem to remember the exact route to Point Harbor. So he wanders in and gets pummelled by dwarves.

That said, he took it like a man and let 'em finish him.


RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2006, 06:55:00 pm »
What might have happened is that some one else drew them forward a bit.  I'm pretty sure that when the GMs set the place up, they're not putting things too close to the AT....but then, Stone is a small area, so...

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RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2006, 07:13:00 pm »
I strongly encourage anyone who blunders into Stone and has enough time to realize where they are to run like hell.

Rilara is not a safe place right now.  When Victor accompanied Quillwem on his first scouting mission, we fled and regrouped at what we thought was a safe distance.  The enemy general didn't hesitate to confront us at our camp in Dinem Forest and bid us to depart.  When we didn't move fast enough, he blasted us all the way back to Point Harbor.

Anyone who thinks that Blood's troops would simply be content to sit in Stone, and not send out the occasional patrol to hunt down trespassers is being hopelessly optimistic.  Travel anywhere in that area should be considered extremely hazardous.  Blood's troops kill first and ask questions later.  They don't care if you are "just passing by".

Prepare accordingly.


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RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2006, 07:15:00 pm »
I strongly encourage anyone who blunders into Stone and has enough time to realize where they are to run like hell.

Rilara is not a safe place right now. When Victor accompanied Quillwem on his first scouting mission, we fled and regrouped at what we thought was a safe distance. The enemy general didn't hesitate to confront us at our camp in Dinem Forest and bid us to depart. When we didn't move fast enough, he blasted us all the way back to Point Harbor.

Anyone who thinks that Blood's troops would simply be content to sit in Stone, and not send out the occasional patrol to hunt down trespassers is being hopelessly optimistic. Travel anywhere in that area should be considered extremely hazardous. Blood's troops kill first and ask questions later. They don't care if you are "just passing by".

Prepare accordingly.


RE: Stone Has Fallen thread
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2006, 06:12:00 pm »
Right, to answer what Dorg was saying, when Jet stumbled in thedwarves definately looked like they were in the right spot. They were not right next to the transition when I moved in.

I actually laugh about my initial reaction when I saw the loading screen. It said STONE at the top and I knew I was dead. No sooner did the screen load then I was being charged by threedwarves. How lovely....

Anyway, not blaming anyone for this. I completely blame myself for dying, since Jet (and myself) should know better than to take the wrong turn into Stone. Just saying for players off to explore Rilara for the first time it isn't always such a nice thing.After all, since its obvious I still get confused and take wrong turns, and can't be too fun for people who just don't know the way to be killed without a second thought.

