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Author Topic: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending  (Read 151 times)


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Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« on: June 29, 2005, 08:29:00 am »
Hey.  My computer continually froze on me throught the whole 4 hours I was on the quest.  After about the 12th time my computer froze, I just decided that it wasn't meant to be and am not going to try to log back on for the remainder of the quest (not saying it wasn't a great quest by any means).  If someone could, would you tell me how it turns out (like what happens, what was causing it, etc.).  I logged right after Harg had awakened Amen (the Healer).  I'm not asking you to go into continuous detail (I know how painstaking that can be), just please give me the general jist of it please (I did devote 4 hours of my life to it and it would make me feel better if I knew how it turned out  ;) ).  Thank you all for some fun RP and thanks Storm for a fun quest.



RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2005, 09:43:00 am »
Daeron steps up and shouts: "I'll tell you what bloody happened. I lost a memory. Blast!!!"

Paces through the room: "You know what makes it irritating, if the woman had not told me that I lost it, I wouldn't even have missed it. Now I'm constantly trying to remember something that I don't know"

Sighs wearily and drops in a sofa.


RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2005, 01:20:00 pm »
Heh, my house got hit by lightning so all the fuzes blew while I was in hampshire. Instent long term crash.


RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #3 on: June 29, 2005, 08:03:00 pm »
That reminds me, I believe Asandir requested those on the quest that will continue on in the next installment (which I hope to make) to PM him of one of our characters most fondest memories that would essentially be the one we lost.  Hope I'm not mistaken here.  Asandir?


RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2005, 07:57:00 am »
i think that only applies to whoever sat on the beds....or maybe looking into the mirror also?, but im sure it was only a few who lost memorys, by using the crystals


RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 08:32:00 am »
I already PM'd mine, I believe it were Daeron, Reventage, Sin'Dolin and Harg. The latter two east least got a good memory in return, I mean who wants to dream about waking up? :(


RE: Storm's Quest (Memory) Ending
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »

I think Garent had a good memory as well.Just look at the screenies I took of the quest.
Sin's Memory is an R rated memory with Celestials.