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Author Topic: Storold and Mylindras wedding important OOC info  (Read 76 times)


Storold and Mylindras wedding important OOC info
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:01:25 am »
It seems that I have messed up somehow with the time calculations, thank you again Row for pointing this out. Instead of trying to fix it again I did it the weeblie-way and had a script calculate it for me, so here is the -hopefully- correct times.
As for the location, many have been asking about where the inn actually is, the easy way to find it is, sail to Leringard, walk straight east from the docks and take the transition to Leringard walk east here and enter the first house there is, number 137 use the map pin to see where the actual door is. I will try to get some sort of sign outside but I don't know if that is doable yet.


Re: Storold and Mylindras wedding important OOC info
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2007, 12:49:16 pm »
*bump seeing as it's coming right up*

