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Author Topic: Another Wonderful Break  (Read 125 times)


Another Wonderful Break
« on: September 28, 2005, 11:17:00 pm »
Hey all,

I've had my most recently Layonara fix and I've decided that while I do enjoy myself here some of the time I spend playing, I feel that the other server I play on has a more consistant quality of gameplay and just a community that is more personal and engaging for me. With my new job I don't have the time to spend leveling a character here, so I will just stick with what I have on the other land I visit.

It was fun. I've met some great people here, but the community as a whole is just not for me. It has a very strange feel, as if we're all working in an office. It's hard to really put how I feel, but I will be back eventually, just like all the other times.

So peace out. Have fun. Try and get some sunlight between the quests. :)


RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2005, 11:30:00 pm »

Pretty sure that said it all.  :)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2005, 12:28:00 am »
yup, he says something irritating like that everytime he leaves *sticks out tongue*

Though there is some merit to the observation that a lot of people get a bit goal oriented here heh.  Its happened to me, "gotta craft this, then go get this to craft this other thing, so i can make it to the quest and I only have X long to play."

Every once and a while I remember what I did in the couple of months after I started playing here... I just, kinda, let stuff happen to my characters.  If it happened that a group got together to go mine stuff then it happened.  But more often than not, I'd end up staying up way later than I should just RPing with people.  

When an adventure just happens because well... it just happened, it feels more like an ADVENTURE, not just another day in the mines.

My advice, that I keep learning, then forgetting, is: stop driving for a while, sit back and be driven.

Its really easy to become goal oriented, especially when you only have a couple hours to play.  But, I've found that feeling like I need to accomplish something is detrimental to my fun.


Edit:  Erm... this post was not directed at 8bit at all... um, I just tend to pontificate on whatever thoughts are in my head at the time, and these thoughts are ones that were brought to fruition by reading his post.


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RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2005, 12:56:00 am »
Take care 8bit, hopefully you'll be back sooner than you expect. :)

 I'm always driven when i login on Layo, but since i'm mostly alone, i tend to spend more time on mines than actually partying... ^_^


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RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2005, 02:21:00 am »
yeah i know what you mean some times. Have to fill this order have to fill that one.. sometimes i will keep Gloin out of town or on another server just so he does not have to spend hours in the shop. Any more i do things at my own pace, quest when i want, craft when i want, what ever. while character advancement is still important, it is real low on the list. On the other hand if Gloin would ever death token out, i don't think i would want to put the time and effort into a new one.



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RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2005, 04:01:00 am »
*waves* Seeya 8-bit.

Have fun out there.


RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2005, 04:01:00 am »
*can't seen to shake the feeling that the post was more of a parting shot than a fond farewell...



RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2005, 04:49:00 am »
cptoad - 9/29/2005  2:21 AM

yeah i know what you mean some times. Have to fill this order have to fill that one.. sometimes i will keep Gloin out of town or on another server just so he does not have to spend hours in the shop. Any more i do things at my own pace, quest when i want, craft when i want, what ever. while character advancement is still important, it is real low on the list. On the other hand if Gloin would ever death token out, i don't think i would want to put the time and effort into a new one.


Those words are exactly what I was thinking at the moment, well exept for the other server part.

I kind of miss the times when I was playing a level 6 ranger, everything was new, everything was unknown, it felt more like an adventure. With Rufus it's mostly, need to fill this order, need to meet with these people, need to improve this craft...*sighs* Once when myself and ZeroVega were the only ones online on central, we were both digging sand, we fooled around by saying, that Layo feels like a job. Because back at that time, we logged in, dug sand, logged out and it went on for days :)

But the sad part is, I am a one character person, which means, if I start a new one, the old one will die. That's the reason I've been playing Rufus for almost 2 years now.

I really need to make an effort and make a new character and not loose Rufus.

....sorry got a bit carried away, but nevertheless, have fun on the other server 8bit.

I hate it when people leave, at the rate it has been going, I don't think there will be people left who I began playing with.  :(

*gets an idea* I'll PM you 8bit!


RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
good timing on your comments. As a new palyer (3 or 4 months) I am just getting to the part where you question what you are doing. I game for fun, and while crafting can be fun it is a major time consumer. I spend like 40% of my time crafting just to have the arrows to shoot when out gathering raw materials. Sounds kind of cyclical :) and any spontaneous adventures that come up are usually centered around collecting craft-able items. How many times will we "Rid the Haven mines of the Ogres" :).

I am sure that this is a phase that all new comers go through. I will say that the RPing has been great fun so far. I am sure that the GMs have spent many (many many) hours working on a system that will promote RPing as the highest priority. That is what we are here for, of course I wouldn't mind being able to go collect oak on my own with out getting turned to goo by a few spiders :). But I guess if I wanted that I should have played a half-giant or half-orc or half-ogre fighter instead of a elvish ranger, I just like to whole ranger concept :).

Well there is my newbie rant :)

Just remember I love Layonara and I am really enjoying the interactions with the people I have met here (both in and out of character, you know who you are)



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RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
Note that 8-bit hasn't shared the name of the other server... ;)


RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2005, 12:32:00 pm »
Rayenoir - 9/29/2005  12:29 PM

Note that 8-bit hasn't shared the name of the other server... ;)

I assume it's because he knows that advertisement of other servers isn't looked upon nicely :)


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RE: Another Wonderful Break
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2005, 01:42:00 pm »
I thought it was just spammed advertisements by non-members that was.

