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Author Topic: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??  (Read 656 times)


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2005, 07:42:00 pm »
I understand the frustration you are going through, seeing many other characters you may have helped at lower levels surpassing you quickly. Just remember the fun in Rping. You do gain xp slower than most because of your subrace (+2 ECL I believe) but that was a choice for RP, which it sounds like you enjoy doing.
My characters also gain xp slower (+3 ECL) but I chose the subrace for the enjoyment of RP, Twixel is asked on many quests just because of the friends he has made. Others don't look at him for his levels but what he can contribute to the party in RP. I have been playing Twixel for a while now and he is only 10th but I don't care because he is a fun character, liked him so much that I created another svirfneblin character.
As the others said, the levels will come just be patient and have fun. I'd say hook up with Twixel for some adventure, but unfortunately you are drow. (hehe)



RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2005, 08:27:00 pm »
Now to throw in my two-bob's worth...

Find yourself a clan/group/guild/faction to become involved with.  The enjoyment of my char, Ramanon Vensk, picked up dramatically when I joined Marcus and Chanda as a Corathite.  Half of our fun is spent consipiring via emails and PM's, now with the Corath Thread its even better.  Then we set it into RP online and thats the icing on the cake.  
We level slow, and yes I've helped people to gain some xp early, only to see them pass me like lightning.  It used to bother me but then I think of the impact they have had on the world.  The answer is usualy none.
At the end of the day I like to think Ramanon and his comrads contribute to shaping Layonara through the discretion of the L & the GM team.  I mean what could be better then plunging Layonara into darkness? (just kidding folks....or am I?)

Anyway happy RPing and good luck.



RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2005, 05:19:00 am »
If you want XP, go on DM quests. Period. That's all there is to it. The rest is fine, sure; grab a single tank and let him run you through Haven a few times; jump up to level seven in a week. I can easily see that being pretty good RP, too, but that's beside the point: Your focus right now is on the XP, right? *He shakes his head.* Go on DM quests.

Or, gods forbid, don't worry about the XP at all, and just have fun.


Ok, I didnt wrote this topic, because I was desperate in getting to lvl 9. It was just when I reached the 80.000xp I thought, hmm Im half the way, but it have really taken a long time, and Ive seen people raise like... Yep so maybe I should ask for an advice. I did knew the posibility in finding some 20 lvl char and let him kill some 18 lvl monsters, but Ive never do that, cause that is hack'n slash when its really pointless. Ive tried once, in a quest, I didnt know it was for high lvls until I was there. I dont think my char could damage any of the monsters at all, it became  boring very fast. No what I find fun is to have a nice chat with some chars, usually no matter lvl but for the following to work the same lvl as I, and then go out and see the world. Now if you're all are at the same lvl there is no useless sneaker, no mage who cast a magic missile while another cast dragon breath, no fighter who kills the enemy so fast that the others cant run fast enough. Thats really really fun. Some of the xp im most proud of are those 2000 - 3000 hard earned xp. But the fun mostly lies in seing new places, and Ive seen every place for my lvl in mistone many times. Ive tried once to go on Dregar with another at my lvl and we didnt have a chance. It would be nice to have a companion. It would greatly improve my RP posibilities instead of the usual talk, really my char have RP'ed nearly everything possible at her lvl without a CDQ.
Anyway Ive found the way to get xp now and then. 52000 for four hours with Leanther as a GM. Though it tastes a litlle bitter, the RP conversations and exploring without a GM, those hundred hours, was equally good. I think the xp for quests is a bit strange.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2005, 05:24:00 am »
"...Anyway Ive found the way to get xp now and then. 52000 for four hours with Leanther as a GM. Though it tastes a litlle bitter, the RP conversations and exploring without a GM, those hundred hours, was equally good. I think the xp for quests is a bit strange...."
  It is not normally that much, just so you know, there was a bonus hour in there due to something that had been happening in the plot for about 3 years (and it was slightly more than 4 hours).  As to thinking xp for quests is a bit strange, I guess I don't understand that comment. 
  What I am hearing here, and hopefully I am wrong, is that it is a no win situation for you... don't explore and play because you don't get much xp, thusly a bitter pill sort of thing, and don't quest because it is not fair or strange. 


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2005, 05:30:00 am »
p>What I am hearing here, and hopefully I am wrong, is that it is a no win situation for you... don't explore and play because you don't get much xp, thusly a bitter pill sort of thing, and don't quest because it is not fair or strange. 
 ? I dont fully undersstand that? eh what I think is, the hours of RP without a GM is as good as with one. So the huge amount you get for quest is to big, cause it unbalances the game. Someone could be playing only on DM quest and be lvl 20 without knowing anything about the areas, compared to a lvl 10. But whatever the greatest joy goes to the lvl 10, in my opinion.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2005, 05:40:00 am »
ok a bitter taste: Ive RP'ed, Ive worked hard for those 80000xp. They have memories on them. In four hours Ive done 5/8 of that. The 80000xp are the indeed hard earned, while the 52000 is the, "played the level, on to the nest one." Im happy fot those 52000 cause in 4000 I be able to get a little bit further out, and with others at lvl 9 maybe to Dregar. So the 80000 is the RP the 52000 is getting on to the nest RP/exploring (mostly exploring).
....what to say? If I havent earned the 80000xp already, the 52000 would have been way too much. But thinking of all the time Ive spent on the 80000 the 52000 does good. So Im quite happy for the 52000, but much more for the 80000, cause they've got some nice memories.
Heh hope we soon will be able to get into that lair on Dregar Spugle.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2005, 07:19:00 am »
Niles09 - 11/15/2005  8:40 AM

ok a bitter taste: Ive RP'ed, Ive worked hard for those 80000xp. They have memories on them. In four hours Ive done 5/8 of that. The 80000xp are the indeed hard earned, while the 52000 is the, "played the level, on to the nest one." Im happy fot those 52000 cause in 4000 I be able to get a little bit further out, and with others at lvl 9 maybe to Dregar. So the 80000 is the RP the 52000 is getting on to the nest RP/exploring (mostly exploring).
....what to say? If I havent earned the 80000xp already, the 52000 would have been way too much. But thinking of all the time Ive spent on the 80000 the 52000 does good. So Im quite happy for the 52000, but much more for the 80000, cause they've got some nice memories.
Heh hope we soon will be able to get into that lair on Dregar Spugle.

Uhhh... OK so I'm confused.  So first you wanted advice about how to get XP because you were stuck at level 8...  how people were passing you etc.

A number of people said go on GM quests

You go on a GM quest and get a nice chunk of XP

And now that is too much and you are still not satisfied. . .

*blinks blinks

I don't know how to address your lack of satifaction in the rate in which you receive XP... first too little now too much but I would like to address your concern about the size of the XP reward you received from Saturday's Quest.

Try to look at it as "Experience"... not just experience points.   Do you have any idea what happened in Saturdays Quest?  I'll tell you...  it was more than harrassing and reducing the ogre population in the woods or caves.

I will just say this... when a group of characters take an action that could impact the outcome of a campaign or effect the world itself on so many levels. . .  the characters have gained much more than just a group of points.  So the "reward" is much greater as a result.

If you get a chance I would like to see what you think happened on Saturday. . .


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #27 on: November 15, 2005, 07:35:00 am »
You said exactly what I would have said Cappyra.  Thank you.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #28 on: November 15, 2005, 08:01:00 am »
Cappy is right on target.  The XP from quests is so much greater because they have a much greater impact on the world than, say, you getting a group together to kill ogres and mine iron.  There are usually at least two quest series going that have real, and sometimes severe, impacts on the world of Layonara, and, as Cappy said, that is more of an 'experience' than your character may even realize he/she is going through.  And, of course, CDQ's speak for themselves, in that, they are designed around some major life changing experience for a character, and so they will entail more XP mechanically.  

I agree, that often times the general adventuring your character takes on can often be more fun and rewarding (if not mechanically, then ascetically) for your character than even the best quests you manage to be a part of.  But the experience that comes with that, is not in the mechanical XP department, but in the character development department.  You learn how to survive, ambush, use the terrain to your advantage (without abusing AI terribly, of course), find like-minded companions, find purpose for your character, etc.  And you've alluded to this.  So enjoy it, and realize that there is a purpose and sound reasoning behind the way the world runs, with quests and otherwise.  

And, hey, I'm glad you voice your opinions and concerns about playing here.  I can tell you enjoy it here, and want to gain the full experience of playing here.  Don't worry.  Understanding and knowledge come with time.  Keep playing.

EDIT:  dang me not typing this up quick enough.  'L' popped a post in before me =P.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #29 on: November 15, 2005, 08:07:00 am »
And now that is too much and you are still not satisfied. . .

You've heard of the golden midlleway? I am satisfied, cause Ive done a lot before those xp.
(ok deleted the descriptive part)

Ok, what I think of all this? dunno I would rather say what Zanirth would think. If our victory depends on wether the humanoids from the cities and villages unite with the woodlands we are doomed. Cause Ive seen how humans thread nature. If the humans only can think on retreat then we all will end up on Mistone, with our backs against the wall.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2005, 08:23:00 am »
erm, I think he (Cappy) meant for you to explain all that in a tell or IC....  try not to give too much plot away in the forums, pretty please...


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2005, 08:53:00 am »
OK that was sort of description of the events that took place on Saturday's Quest. . .  but what REALLY happened?

Then some shadow thing appears

That was The Shifter...  you should really find out who he is. . .  

What you should do is speak IG with some of the characters that were involved in the quest.  Ask them about the significance of the events.  Not understanding everything is OK.  There were events spoke about that only a few would have knowledge of anyway. But take the time to gain an understanding of what the group accomplished.  

This was only the second quest I have had the privilage and pleasure to attend with Leanthar at the reigns.  Everything else I have learned from reading the history and talking with people.

I would suggest getting involved in the main campaign, even if it is just making yourself knowledgable about what is going on.  Talk to as many people as possible.   Your character was called by the dragon...  maybe try to find out where you fit in?

Did you ever consider. . .  the the War Blood is waging is merely a distraction?  Something to keep the hero's busy while he follows his real agenda?  

Have you considered there are many factions with things at stake here?  and many do not have agendas that are aligned. . .

Plot twists should be appealing to a Drow =D

- I hope I didn't give too much away there Milton... =P


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #32 on: November 15, 2005, 09:01:00 am »


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2005, 09:08:00 am »
maybe... but so long I havent asked cause my char didnt care. She is a bit skeptical about the humanoids outside the forests, they've never done anything for the forest so why should she care about them? Anyway I didnt felt like asking people about the Shifter or such things at that time... On the underdark quest I did ask about some assassian guy. I got his name, and that he was very dangareous, after asking a couple more times, I just felt stupid cause nobody answered, so I thought that this time I would rather be the quite drow than the asking-a-lot drow.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2005, 09:32:00 am »
perhaps, now, then, your character has the reason, the care, to ask about more of the world.... though during a DM quest is usually a bad time... perhaps you and a few others could make your own quest of finding someone who does know/know of, say, the Shifter (like the NPC plot quests splattered around Layo).


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #35 on: November 15, 2005, 10:20:00 am »
actually once in the start I did ask about it all, since there was some guy, Eon I think, who destroyed the forests. Though never got an answer, but I think that was mainly because the guy was teasing my char. Now there is probaly going to go a long time before my char is gonna help the humans, who are spitting and screaming of Zanirth because of her colour. Ofcourse she have also maked many friends among the humans, much more than those who spits at her - among players, though in my char sheet under the drow feat, it says she is being stonned out of smaller towns. Also she kinda feel that the surfacers have betrayed her race, killing them instead of helping them to see the light.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #36 on: November 15, 2005, 11:12:00 am »
Right on MiltonYorkCastle

Wow... and more opportunities to RP!!!  

There are other Drow around that you could ask. . . that are fighting against Blood and likely can understand your plight and hatred...

Or...  try something like this...

"I seek knowledge of what occured.  I felt caught up in the events and seek understanding.  While I have no love for the surface dwellers I was compelled to aid them.  The Shadow... the one they called the Shifter..  I felt compelled to aid."

"Bah!  Yer a murderous drow!  Why should I tell you?"

"Because I wish to help stop Blood."

"Blood has Drow working for him!  Your probably a spy!"

"If I were a spy...  would I ask you in the open?  In the middle of town?  Or would I catch you in a back alley and extract the information by other means. . ."

"er...  good point...  well here is what I know..."

Ta Da!



RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #37 on: November 15, 2005, 11:41:00 am »
hmmm, maybe she should start asking, though you must understand, she doesnt hate anything. Its rather that the surfacers havent done anything to her, except for those few (compared to the 2000 population of Hlint) who have helped her, while the forest itself (she feels) have saved and protected her, so the forest is first, anything else second. Ive wrote some down in the newest post in her journal. She doesnt feel that Blood is a bigger thread to the forest than the humanoids outside it. BUT a thing is, because of her background she consider having a familiy (where people actually likes eachother) is the biggest thing you can achive, so the reason for her to help would be protecting those. Though that wouldnt be in the traditional way since she doesnt like the autorites or the metodes (a comment on that on the war effort topich in wild surge inn) like she thought it was leaving the citizens first to think of getting the Rolmen (or whatever) navy away.
Anyway then it would only work if people actually would start answering.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #38 on: November 15, 2005, 12:29:00 pm »
"..if people actually would start answering.."

I have a one word answer to that:  Bards.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2005, 12:38:00 pm »
miltonyorkcastle - 11/15/2005  3:29 PM

"..if people actually would start answering.."

I have a one word answer to that:  Bards.


Though another group who would probably answer you would be well-wandered Adventurers who, themselves, refer to them by that particular title.

^^ -shameless plug-

