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Author Topic: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??  (Read 671 times)


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2005, 12:49:00 pm »
They'd have to know the answer to be able to respond with anything useful, right? :)

Responding to shameless plugs with guilt-free digs,




RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2005, 01:56:00 pm »
Bump, Set, Spike!  *shifty eyes*  oh wait...  we weren't playing volleyball were we?


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #42 on: November 16, 2005, 05:10:00 am »
about fighting Blood, it seems that Zanirth now is an honor member of the giants brigade, so I guess she is gonna fight against them. Maybe the human autorities doesnt deserve such a help (asking Zanirth) but she would probaly help Spugle defend Mistone all alone if he asked (though she would try to get him on other thoughts first!)


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #43 on: November 16, 2005, 05:29:00 am »
Niles09 - 11/15/2005  2:40 PM

ok a bitter taste: Ive RP'ed, Ive worked hard for those 80000xp. They have memories on them. In four hours Ive done 5/8 of that. The 80000xp are the indeed hard earned, while the 52000 is the, "played the level, on to the nest one." Im happy fot those 52000 cause in 4000 I be able to get a little bit further out, and with others at lvl 9 maybe to Dregar. So the 80000 is the RP the 52000 is getting on to the nest RP/exploring (mostly exploring).
....what to say? If I havent earned the 80000xp already, the 52000 would have been way too much. But thinking of all the time Ive spent on the 80000 the 52000 does good. So Im quite happy for the 52000, but much more for the 80000, cause they've got some nice memories.
Heh hope we soon will be able to get into that lair on Dregar Spugle.

*looks serious*
If you think you have gotton to much exp, I would suggest that you go to the "Disputes, Grievances, Request for Reimbursements" section and ask them to remove some of the exp. I don't know if they will follow your request since the rules have changed, but you can always give it a try.

Furthermore, the Dm's are resonable people and I don't think they want to annoy people by giving them to much exp, just tell them the maximum amount you want to recieeve and i am sure they will be understanding.


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #44 on: November 18, 2005, 05:18:00 am »
Thanks for the advice but arent we past this?
As Cappyra (after I wrote the thing you quoted) said this quest is important for the world, though it might not have such big impact on Zanirth just the second we were finished, she has felt the shockwaves. First she's now a honour member of the giant brigade, which for her means a lot to her, since one of her best friends is in it. Besides she has already been a bit in on uniting nature and the tamed lands, discussing with some pala guy I think, a discussion wich had some consequences. Should some Mistone soldier come and ask Zanirth for aid now the chance that she would help is about zero!


RE: Stuck on lvl 8... any advices??
« Reply #45 on: November 18, 2005, 07:29:00 am »
Apsalutly Zan Spugly just can not wait.

We have Zan in the giants brigade becuse Shes has a grate hart is a true fight and
has never run when fighting with any gaint by her side. That means a lot to us
But she also its a grate help as Zan seems to know whats going on and has never tryed to trick
or chat a of the half gaints. That means you are trused but also meens we are relying on you to
full us in on things. As Spugly is very very stuben (like most of the half gaints) it takes a long time
to change his mind about any thing.

Now as a player the 52k was very good as im 10k from my next level 9th which opens up a hole new world.
The game a feel was good to as it was mine and Niles09's 1st time.
We had a chance to play in a world changeing game which was good as well. Its all new to me as
they seem not about bashing but about laying out what will come in the game world.
What we do in the GM games inpacks on playing on the severs in a way I did not know till after the game.

But I know what Niles09 on about you just dont wont to wast of the Layonara Expirance
(thats why I dont get cheats, the funs in the playing of each and every level and its chalinges)
by running befor you can walk.
But saying that the exp was very very apreshesated

The morrel is
Be carfull what you wish for you mite just get it

