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Author Topic: Summons question  (Read 175 times)

Halfwit Genious

Summons question
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:10:12 pm »
I'm having trouble understanding the summons I'm getting. I was originally a corathite and used the censor of arcane devotion to gain access to his summons list. I did, but eventually renounced him and moved to the status of having "no" deity. When this occured I thought my summons would be the lucinda set since my caster is nuetrally aligned. I asked what the problem was much like this post and was told that since I had used the censor of arcane devotion I was still divinly aligned so I was getting summons much like a druid who is a divinly aligned, no deity caster. I looked at the druid summon list recently and it showed that the 9th lvl druid summon was an legendary bear. I decided to try it out and much to my surprise I summoned an ancient dire tiger which is the 8th lvl druid summon. It is, however, the 9th lvl summon for nuetral deities. So it appears that I am getting summons as a caster that is aligned to a nuetral deity. This may be the way it's supposed to work with the mechanics, but as far as rp I have no deity so I should be getting the druid summon list. So what I'm wondering is 1) Is this the way it's supposed to work? 2) Do you think this is the way it would work as far as the rp and situation go? 3) If not is there any way to change it?

I'm not complaining just putting this out there cause it seems weird. Thanks for any help that can be offered.

- Halfwit


Re: Summons question
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 06:15:37 pm »
1) No
2) No, in my opinion its purely mechanic and , in my opinion you should have to work twoards pulling your summons from a different plane, frequency , pit, world or whatever
3) Someone can do a database edit. Orth did so for Rhynn when she renounced Ilsare as her deity and was stuck with the Druid summons that made no sense. You should post in the Disputes forum and be prepared for a wait as only a select few can enter the databases.


Re: Summons question
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 04:45:37 am »
Or a GM can whack you with the Lucinda flag, then you use the censor again, and finally the GM clears your deity field.

