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Author Topic: Protection from spells  (Read 403 times)


Re: Protection from spells
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2007, 04:57:13 am »
I just like to know all the rules.  Not so much to determine what I can and cannot do but when I see something that is odd like this case it tells me that I am missing something in my understanding or else there is a bug of some sort.  I just like to know if the deficiency is with my knowledge of the rules or if there is something that is wrong with the game.  There is always a balance between metagaming and just knowing the rules.  You can't even play the game without knowing some rules.  If you completely try to do everything ramdomly and ignore knowing the rules you could get a cleric with a 10 Wis and no spells.  That would not result in a very good RP character.  The other extreme is the pure power build and powergame with no RP or character development which can be boring and repetative although I understand it's fun for some.  I try to strike a balance between the two and allow my knowledge of the rules inform a well developed character that is both well built and well played, at least I hope well played.  I didn't mean for this thread to get anyone upset.  I just wanted to understand something I saw that was inconsistent with what I knew of the rules.  Thanks for everyone's inputs.


Re: Protection from spells
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2007, 05:09:33 am »
I would suggest you to use the toolset and open up the scripts of the spells and peek in there to determine whether Protection from Spells is appliable or not. Very few spells have been changed from the base spells after all!

I don't think anyone has a list of those unaffected spells... actually, I'm not completely sure what to look after without peeking more closely in those scripts myself. :p


Re: Protection from spells
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2007, 06:11:59 am »
Heh.  I am not that interested or capable.  I so appreciate the people that have so much more in depth knowledge than I do.  You guys that have put Layo together are amazing.  Keep up the good work and thanks again for being able to answer my every question in levels of detail far beyond my expectations.


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    Re: Protection from spells
    « Reply #23 on: August 10, 2007, 07:21:37 am »
    You know this has come up on the world I used to play on a lot...  And someone had what I thought was a good point.  I'm just paraphrasing because I can't remember the original explanation and it was probably done better before but it went something like this:


    There seems to be a tendency in role playing to make our characters dumber than they need to be. It's kind of a strange concept but there should be a lot of things your character knows that you don't.   They aren't blank slates, they're products of the world they live in, and in this world magic is a powerful and very real weapon.  It may not be well understood by the commoners, but then adventurers aren't commoners.

    I would think that in a world where magic is very real, and is very much used by the enemies (whoever the enemies may be), then the study of how it works would be pretty thorough.  While I would never say characters ever use the D&D game mechanics terms, I would think they would have a means of figuring out what spells do what.  Certain wizards or just scholars with a mathematical capacity might even try to express it in statistics, that is however statistics are expressed in that world.  That's certainly valuable information to anyone who relies on spells to survive, or who expects to go up against a spellcaster isn't it?  

    (I would also think there would be those who understand how magic works who don't use it themselves, just like there are a lot of modern experts on guns who have never fired one.  Even a warrior should understand some basics of spellcraft if they're expected to fight spellcasters.  They may not know what spell is being cast when the caster is chanting and making motions, but they will learn to recognize the effects when they see the aftermath)

    Of course there is going to be the unknown and there are going to be surprises, and lots of them, but at the same time when these characters walk into life-and-death situations trusting certain spells I would think they would have done extensive research beforehand on exactly what the spell is capable of.  Just like when a modern day soldier goes to battle, he might not know what strategies and weapons or other tricks the enemy has waiting for him, but he's done all the research possible on what it might be.. And you can be sure he knows everything there is to know about the weapon HE'S carrying, and the defensive equipment he has at his disposal...


    Anyway take it with a grain of salt, but I'm not sure, say, knowing the DC save for Wail is metagaming because an adventurer who has a fundamental understanding of magic-- either as a caster, or as someone who's expected to fight casters-- would understand and even have a way of expressing their chance of success or failure.  Obviously a wizard's understanding would be ever greater but even a magic-fearing barbarian would have some understanding of the tricks of the trade.  

    (Also note after all this that of course there are exceptions depending on backgrounds and all that, and what I'm talking about applies to relatively experienced adventurers, not first level fighters who just arrived in town)


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      Re: Protection from spells
      « Reply #24 on: August 10, 2007, 08:08:27 am »
      Well Quoted Baneberry.

      Another thing that camed into my mind is that how about all the nice "unik" drops that gives + to different or universal saves or gives spells, bonus feats, AB, AC and so on.. Then many should not know how to use them or what they are good for and like toss them away or atleast not using them. I don't think thats whats intended with the drops.

      If I find a nice special item/drop i personaly get happy.. and my charcter gets happy too since i like to think that he knows what he have found.. Ofcourse a for example a fighter that finds a pair of greater gloves of spellcraft looks at them and either tosses them away or shout to the others that he found a funny looking pair of gloves and wonders if anybody else are intrested in them..

      Anyway and to Skywatcher i am so far from upset that i can be and I'm certain that Aragwen, S0ulz and the other in this thread also arent any upset at all. Just different points of wievs and different ways to look at things.. its not always black or white. This is what the forums are here for.. give help and discuss different things.

      I personaly like to see how things works and why it works like it does. I think most that have played NWN for some time do the same. you can't be a good DM if you don't understand how the game works..

      Others don't care and are just here for the love for the game and couldn't care less eh.. :)

