The Layonara Community > General Discussion

Swearing/Cussing -- Whatever you may want to call it

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@ Seth Cy'nada
First and formost this is a FAMILY server and their are young players here.

As to there is nothing we can do you are wrong on that, we can ban you from the site.
Normally we will issue a short term ban first, but if pushed we will just outright ban you.

So PLEASE don't cuss. The best guide that I can think of is this:
If you have to ask yourself if anyone would call the word your about to use a cuss word, then don't use it.

@ Seth Cy'nada - To answer your question, it is mainly referring in the OOC sort of things (forums and in game). However, even when in game and IC you should not be cussing to the extreme--I am not going to give examples as there are far to many--but I hope this gives you an idea of what is meant by that rule.
  There are kids that play this game and there are entire families that play this game, as such we treat them with respect--just like the rest of the community.

There is a baseline for mutual respect that must be met.  Swearing and using vulgar langage, innuendo, or other forms of verbal abuse takes that baseline and shreds it.  As a former Navy man, I can cuss with the best of them.  But I do not.  It shows a lack of respect for those around me and brings the level of any conversation down to the gutter.
  As for in character, there are polite ways to show that your character is upset and "cursing" an enemy.  If you look back in history, you will see that there are quite a large number of things that we say in common language today that were considered to be "base" language.  Also, bear in mind that this is a fantasy setting....come up with some inventive curses for your character.  Oft times, it can be quite humorous as well - i.e. "You son of an illiterate kobold".  However, bear in mind that someone might actually be the son of an illiterate kobold and could take great offense at this (in character that is)!

Using Common Sense is the best way to think of this issue... you don't start swearing and bad-mouthing to people you don't know, and even if you know some of the players both IC and OOC for some time, keep it private and also remember that there are children playing this game.

Be creative, not vulgar.  If you can't come up with anything, use emotes like : *curses violently*  or *makes rude insinuations about the captain's mother under his breath*
  The best, non-swearing insult I've seen in-game recently is this:
  Dwarven NPC to PC:  You have the brains of your mother, I swear. :)


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