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Author Topic: Sword of the Dragonslayer  (Read 249 times)


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    Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « on: November 19, 2006, 09:05:20 pm »

    I have a question.

    The Sword of the Dragon Slayer has a damage bonus: Dmg bonus +2d6 vs. Dragon.

    If I add elemental damage, like cold damage, onto the sword, will the cold damage override/replace the damage bonus vs. dragon?

    Thank you for any response.


    RE: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #1 on: November 19, 2006, 09:16:31 pm »
    You can add any elemental damage rod you want to the sword without affecting the "vs. dragon" property.
    However, if you add a silver or titanium enchantment, it will overwrite the 2d6 "vs. dragon" with the "vs. undead", etc.

    Hope that helps.



    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #2 on: November 24, 2006, 01:03:25 am »
    Say...The Sword of the Dragon Slayer. Is it +1 or +2?


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #3 on: November 24, 2006, 01:41:25 am »

    D Blaze

    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #4 on: November 24, 2006, 06:36:53 am »
    It is only iron afterall....despite it's great tricks.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #5 on: April 30, 2007, 03:23:16 am »
    I'll just resurect this old thread rather than starting a new one and ask the following.  Above it says what happens if you add a silver or titanium enhancement and that you can add an elemental enhancement without overwriting the vs. dragon property.  What about the immunity to knockdown ability?  Would that be affected by adding enhancements and what would the level requirement be for such a weapon?  Say you added a level 4 elemental enhancement to it?  Would it follow the iron weapon level limits or is it higher since it has extra abilities?  Thank you in advance.

    Lord of the Forest

    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #6 on: April 30, 2007, 05:36:34 am »
    1. The knockdown-ability would not be affected by adding an elemental enchantment.
    2. Since it gives you some nifty abilities the lvl req will become higher for sure. I don't have such a blade so I can't tell you what the lvl req with a enchantment IV will be.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #7 on: April 30, 2007, 06:25:26 am »
    Hhmm I wonder what would happen if the sword was restricted to fighter only

    D Blaze

    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #8 on: April 30, 2007, 06:35:26 am »
    Then people that have the correct weapon feat but wrong class will get burned, especially paladins.
    And anyone that cross-classes with fighter will get the sword anyhow, along with anyone taking enough UMD through Bard or Rogue levels.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #9 on: April 30, 2007, 12:06:10 pm »
    The swords base level requirement is 11.

    If you add a rod 4 to the weapon it should raise the lvl req to no more than level 14.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #10 on: April 30, 2007, 12:39:47 pm »
    isn't there some way to check level req's on items with the pricing lense widget thingy?


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #11 on: April 30, 2007, 12:51:26 pm »
    Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
    isn't there some way to check level req's on items with the pricing lense widget thingy?

    Sure there is... the lens always gives you the level requirement when you price an item.  I'm just not willing to burn an enhancement 4 on a dragonslayer to check it for certain.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #12 on: April 30, 2007, 01:52:51 pm »
    Base Requirement: Level 11 - Price 2,857 out of the toolset.
    Market Value: Roughly 100,000-120,000 True.
    Level Requirement with Rod IV: 18
    Level Requirement with Silver IV: 12
    Level Requirement Both: 19


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #13 on: April 30, 2007, 02:08:19 pm »
    Does the bonus 2d6 dmg hit before or after the Dragon's massive damage reduction?  I could just imagine getting such a cool sword just to find out the hard way that 2d6 was just a little drop in that /20 to /30 DR bucket.

    Of course a Greater Magic Weapon spell cures all ails... heheh


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #14 on: April 30, 2007, 02:09:46 pm »
    Quote from: Skywatcher
    I'll just resurect this old thread rather than starting a new one and ask the following.  Above it says what happens if you add a silver or titanium enhancement and that you can add an elemental enhancement without overwriting the vs. dragon property.  What about the immunity to knockdown ability?  Would that be affected by adding enhancements and what would the level requirement be for such a weapon?  Say you added a level 4 elemental enhancement to it?  Would it follow the iron weapon level limits or is it higher since it has extra abilities?  Thank you in advance.

    Adding an Enchant IV raises the level limit to 18 on the sword.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #15 on: April 30, 2007, 03:01:10 pm »
    The swords bonus damage would strike as follows. It would calculate first if it would pass damage reduction, based on enchantment bonus making greater magic weapon critical. Then it would calculate for damage resistance, meaning if the dragon has any resistance to bludgeoning the effects of the two dice six would be pointless. The damage type that was selected was likely an oversight by the team they have not had time to correct, as bludgeoning bonus on a sharp weapon just doesn’t make sense at all. Also slashing damage would be helpful in overcoming the damage reduction and resistance of dragons thus making it truly a dragon slaying sword.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #16 on: April 30, 2007, 04:24:20 pm »
    Maybe someone else can answer this, because I've actually never proven it one way or the other.
     Regarding your comment Ozy, isn't it true that if you put extra slashing damage on a slashing weapon, or any matching extra damage type, such as extra bludgeoning damage on a bludgeoning weapon... that it negates itself and sticks with the highest modifier?
     I've been wrong before, and may be confusing an issue with putting extra ranged damage on arrows or some such, which another thing I still don't understand.


    Re: Sword of the Dragonslayer
    « Reply #17 on: April 30, 2007, 04:51:37 pm »
    You are both right and wrong at the same time. Here is how it would work.

    Long-sword does 1D8 Slashing Damage
    Long-sword with 1D8 Bonus Slashing Damage would do 2D8 Slashing Damage.
    Long-sword with 1D8 Bonus Slashing Damage and 1D6 Bonus Slashing Damage would deal 2D8 Slashing Damage.
    Long-sword with 1D8 Bonus Slashing Damage and 2D8 Bonus Slashing Damage versus Monster X would deal 2D8 Slashing Damage against all monsters but Monster X which would take 3D8 Slashing Damage.
    Long-sword with 1D8 Bonus Slashing Damage and 1D6 Bonus Slashing Damage versus Monster X would deal 2D8 Slashing Damage against all monsters including Monster X.

    So you are both right and you are wrong at the same time. It does stack but it also does not stack. It takes the highest modifier in addition to the base item properties. Now let us add in one final variable the critical enchantment bonus.

    Long Sword +5 does 1d8 Slashing Damage +5 For 6-13 Slashing Damage
    Long Sword +5 with 1D4 Bonus Damage does 1D8+1D4 Slashing Damage +5 for 7-19 Slashing Damage note that the 1D4 Bonus damage is not overwritten by the +5 Enchantment.

    Bonus Damage Type Piercing on a hammer means that now the hammer is both susceptible to Piercing Resistance/Immunity and Bludgeoning Resistance/Immunity and does nothing more. Items like a dagger which gives Bonus Damage Type Piercing do absolutely nothing but raise the merchant value and level requirement.

