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Author Topic: lookin' for a little help.  (Read 141 times)


lookin' for a little help.
« on: December 21, 2005, 07:20:00 am »
Okay, in light of Cole's emminant final meeting with the soul mother, there is a new character up and coming from me that is currently still being fleshed out.  There are hints about who this character will be and his relationship to Cole in Cole's Dev thread.  (it's rough and ugly, but I can't dive into too much detail as I haven't figured all of the detail out, heh)

Now, what I need help with is this:  a portrait.  I've spent, oh, I don't know, in excess of 6 hours digging through my excessive number of portraits as well as the NWN vault.  I've found a few that could work for the character, but none that strike me as "him."  So, here's what you have to work off of if you want to help me:  

1)the character is going to be dark, but not midnight dark;  

2)he is quiet.  think Jennara, but without the whispering.  Yeah, that quiet...;  

3)hair color, skin color, eye color, are all up for grabs;

4)He's stronger than he is dexterous, but not by much, and he's a fighter type;  

5)I'd prefer a face shot, but a full body shot could work.  And it would help if the portrait would work with one of the heads for the IG character, obviously.

If anyone out there thinks they have something that could work, please oh please PM me or email it to me at  I'm stuck on the rest of his development until I have an idea of what he "looks" like.

Again, thanks for any time you have to help me with this!


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 10:30:00 am »
I vote for number 4,  4505


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 11:12:00 am »
Yes, number 4 (4505) definately. A very cool picture.


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2005, 11:13:00 am »
4 or 5


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 11:51:00 am »
thank you very much!  I had actually seen all but two of those portraits.  And number four is a sweet pic.  I remember when I saw it I took the time to view the larger version, and you know what the one thing that turned me off was?  The smile.  To me, the portrait is like a first impression sort of thing;  that is, it's the way the character comes across at first glance.  Not necessarily how that character truly is, but the first shade of him/her you see.  I don't think this character will come across as smiling/smirking on the first glance.

Again, thanks so much for the time spent looking them over and posting these for me!

I actually liked the 5th pic (Aragorn?) quite a bit.  *sighs*  But I'm still not sure....


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 12:28:00 pm »
The 5th pick looks a little disproportionate.

After reading your Journal picture 4 struck me for the following reasons.

- He is wearing heavy armor / so that matches your stronger than more dextrious

- While he has a smile on his face...   his eyes seem to tell a different story.  You feel like there is something hidden.

- The armor is more befitting a soldier.  Number 5 looks more rangery... and well... it is Aragorn

So... I'm still voting for 4  =D


RE: lookin' for a little help.
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2005, 10:06:00 am »
*chuckles*  you have a point, Derrick.  I'm not going to be in game much for a week and a half or so due to travel for the holidays, but I'm going to be working on this character, so I'll keep that portrait in mind.

