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Author Topic: questions  (Read 161 times)


« on: May 03, 2006, 02:26:25 pm »
I have a few questions. About wemic subrace and about the nwn update to 1.67.

First about the update.
1) What stuff has changed on layonara along with the update? has anything changed with the costum content or wiht the costum subraces on layonara.

I haven't been online since the update So I haven't been able to find out by myself.

Then on to the Wemic questions.
2) would a wemic be able to weald 1 2 longswords or 2 katana's without any penalties, Like an normal Human would get?

I ask this because the wemic is as I recall considered large.

3) Would other characters (npc or PC) be able to ride or sit on a wemics back?

I ask this because wemics are like centaurs(half human, half horse), except for the half horse being half lion. I came up with this question because of a image on my pc where a girl was sitting on the back of a centaur.

4) Can wemics get to the PrC of weapon master? or are they not excepted like some other clases are not excepted. or should I say not able to be take by them because of there nature?

This is all for now I think.
take your time on anwsering this. I don't mind waiting for the anwsers.


Re: questions
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2006, 02:46:02 pm »
1) click on the yellow 2.97 link at the top of the forums for the changes.
  2) Not sure how this is coded, penatly wise, however, swords/katanas are not what they wield, if you read the race write-up, they're a hunting people and use spears and shortbows.
  3) Not possible due to game mechanics.
  4) If you can get all the required feats, I think you can. However, the starting classes are restricted to  Druid, Rogue, Ranger, Barbarian, Sorcerer or Bard, so it will be hard. Also, as they're not fond of metals, a sword/katana wielding wemic weaponmaster isn't going to happen. I can see one that wields spears though.


Re: questions
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2006, 01:03:07 am »
I saw a wemic in Hlint some while back and he was wielding something bizarre like a mace...if it wasn't two of them...preparing to go after goblins I think.

It only took one look to see that that can't work mechanically speaking, how is he going to hit anything shorter than him? His body doesn't bend the right way. It just looked wrong.

The spear and the bow make sense, physically.


Re: questions
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2006, 05:44:08 am »
yes now that i think of it the bow and spear or other long weapons like that would make more sence. I think a Halbert i think it's called might work for them to. but then again it might not.

Is there a list of weapons they use or do not use?

oh and How about the monk class. Are wemics able to take that class to Or is it forbidden as whel?



Re: questions
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2006, 08:44:31 am »
You can find the write-up of wemics here.
  In the thread you would see that they are hunters mainly and seen with spears and a shortbow. You would also see the class restrictions.
  But please note this race was created for RP purposes and not supposed to be leveled fast and for that fact even be a frontiline fighter. Anything outside the normal scope of a wemic would have to be RP very well and before any other classes would be approved it will require a solid and detailed character development thread.
  I just sense that things like weaponmasters and monks and wemics wielding scythes are outside of the intention of the race. Remember this race has not been amongst the other races of Layonara for very long. So most things other than their own traditions and culture woudl be very foreign to them.