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Author Topic: Leave of Absence to Free Myrtana from Orcs  (Read 52 times)


Leave of Absence to Free Myrtana from Orcs
« on: March 16, 2007, 12:48:31 pm »
If anybody's wondering where Farros vanished to, since buying my new PC I can finally play Gothic 3 with all it's glory and the gfx set to maximum.  This game is HUGE, not only the medeival lands of Myrtana but also Nordmar in the north and and the Hashishan deserts of Varant.  So far I went the route of a strong fighter/archer crossclassed with thieving and smithing... thinking of ascending to paladinhood in my quest against the orcs.  I think I'm less than 1/4 finished with it after a few weeks, and undoubtedly will replay it again for all the orc-sided missions as a more wizardly evil character.  Until then I'll be MIA emancipating the slaves and laying waste to the orcish empire.

I'll save you some minecrawler extract for when I get back.