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Author Topic: change of heart.  (Read 58 times)


change of heart.
« on: May 29, 2006, 04:10:48 am »
I wanna know some things before I continue with the path My character Sonya DarkAngel is about to take.
  As you might be able to read in here Diary(Character develepment link below.) she has doubts about the road she is traveling on, the road of a necromany sorceress. I'm thinking of letting here go to an other magical road. but i'm not sure if that is alowed or that i have to post a aproval for it.
  let me know please.  
  copy and past the text below in your browser window. i couldn't get the link thing to work on this MAC. sorry, but i'm at an other computer than normal.
  Character Aproval:


Re: change of heart.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2006, 07:30:59 am »
From your CDT, it really doesn't look like she's done anything other than consider, briefly, changing her ways.  I've yet to see a pivotal moment that dramatically chnages her outlook.  Spells that raise the dead or ressurect them are just as tied to Necromancy as fiddling with the undead, and Necromancers, though rather creepy on the whole, need not be evil people, so just an emphasis towards kindness need not change your character's specialty.

However, as a sorceress, she could conceivably CHOOSE to change her emphasis... more to the point, as a sorceress, her power is defined by her will, not any spellbook, so she can change according to whatever whims she wants.  This need not be life-shattering.


Re: change of heart.
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2006, 09:45:32 am »
So let me see if I get this. My character can change her range of spells by wanting it badly enough. But right now see doesn't have enought will to change compleetly from necromancy to an other type of spells.
Sounds about right. I guess I'll just have to RP a bit more and see where it gets her.


Re: change of heart.
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2006, 11:44:47 am »
Well, bear in mind, I'm not a Character GM or anything like that.  It just seems to me that all she's been documenting in her journal are mild thoughts in the direction of possibly changing her focus... and for the wrong reasons.  If you want to make her an Evoker, then you could perhaps have her begin to see the beauty in summoning power from nothing... a transmuter would start to feel the glory of molding things to her own parameters.

Really, though, why does it matter?  If she's a sorcerer, she can't be a specialist anyway!  By definition, sorcerers are mutable, shifting, and form the magic they use through sheer force of will.  If you've decided to keep her spells necromancy-centric, that's fine... but it's not a CDQ moment.


Re: change of heart.
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2006, 12:42:21 pm »
silverdraco - 5/29/2006  12:45 PM

So let me see if I get this. My character can change her range of spells by wanting it badly enough. But right now see doesn't have enought will to change compleetly from necromancy to an other type of spells.
Sounds about right. I guess I'll just have to RP a bit more and see where it gets her.

Sorcerors do not get the choice to choose a spell focus at character creation while wizards do. Rhynn's initial spell focus was illusion, but other than some wasted feats, Rhynn changed freely to the path of necromancy under Mith, and is now more of a generalist , using the powers of abjuration and evocation as well...

If you want a reason to change from (or remain) a Necromancy soceress, continue to talk with Rhynn in game, She has a knack for wanting to help others with their problems. She's almost as good at getting involved to help others as she is with making her own life worse on herself...almost. *grins*


Re: change of heart.
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2006, 01:08:25 pm »
[/QUOTE].........  If you want a reason to change from (or remain) a Necromancy soceress, continue to talk with Rhynn in game, ......... [/QUOTE]
  I might just do that Lynnjuniper. or should I say, Sonya might just do that some time. ;)  Like I said in an other post in here. I'll just RP a little more and see were it gets Sonya. She just needs to find a way to let people know that despite her creepy way's and interests in the macabre, she has her heart at the right place. But that will just need some RP.