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Author Topic: Thanks to all on east today  (Read 410 times)


Thanks to all on east today
« on: June 24, 2006, 11:38:20 pm »
Thanks all for a great night.Was lots of fun and the teamwork was great  :) Never thought Acacea could keep me alive solong :D and Kobal ..the price was well deserved ...even in stressful events you never fell out of char  :p
A HUGE thanks to Leantar and HoneST8 for a great adventure and a wonderfull time ...Take a good rest on your break L and i hope you'll be pleased to how the things have been going in the final ( not realy ,i know) quest .


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2006, 12:01:39 am »
Yep, thanks to all who were there. My first plot quest and right away the grand finale. :)

Thanks L for this world I'm glad I could and can be a part of it in some way . :)

And a special award goes to OneST8 for finally succeeding in making me very afraid of pit fiends. ;)

Harlas Ravelkione

Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2006, 03:08:59 am »
Thank you Leanthar for your dedication and hard work on Layonara over the hears - it shows :)

A big KUDOS to the GMs who ran the quests yesterday and did one hell of a job.

... and lastly thank you to the other members of the group who held the Bloodwell for hours, so that others could go after Sinthar himself without needing to worry about demon attacks from the rear. A great team effort that was made ways more dificult due to the fact that had no cleric/priest among us. Great RP from everyone in that group!


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2006, 03:14:53 am »
Cleric? We don't need no stinkin' cleric! :P

Thanks guys, it was a ton of fun.


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2006, 03:41:09 am »
You think you have seen it all when you're on the other side of the curtain, offering quests for the world, teaming up with even Leanthar himself at times to run fantastic series, until you play what we got to play last night.
  For a long time many of us have been a part of this community and throughout all these years we have seen people come and go, been through hardships and good times, we've broken sweat and tears, and shouts of excitement. And to end all those experiences with the quests that we had last night, was simply the best and most glorious way to do so. The full 6 hour long session represented every facet of the history of Layonara. Hard conflicts, strong bonds of friends and fellowship, a sense of adventure and insanity with much excitement, dedication to a cause, moments of sadness and frustration, and moments filled with so much joy that it could be felt throughout the screen.
  Needless to say, last night was Perfect.
  So I would to extend an honest and most heartfelt thanks to all the players that were a part of last nights quest, just as Triba did before we set off, each and everyone of you crazy people made this day fantastic and beyond the shadow of a doubt, a memory to never forget.
  A thanks to all the other groups and people that invested so much time and effort in both making the world a better (More flavourful place) and for running such things for others to enjoy while sacrificing their own rightful place amongst them. I hope all you guys liked your items :)
  And finally, a most heartfelt thanks to Leanthar. Man, this is going to sound extremely sappy and corny, but you are like a father to many of us, and I know you take this world on your shoulders and stomach all the punches with a steely resolve. Last night was a stroke of genius on this work of art that you started so many years ago, and I know that with that same resolution you will take this place into something far more exciting. Congratulations to you, and once again, Thanks.
  Now everyone dust off those Dragonslayers. It's open season and there's a few Bloodslayers that want to get some revenge for making him angry in the first place!!


RE: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2006, 04:17:07 am »
I don't think I can say "wow" enough....truly.
  To echo a bit of what Pan said, none of us really knew what to expect for the final confrontation. Sure we knew it would be tough, but taking tough, multiplying by two and splitting the party to handle each...which got well-handled on both fronts by the way...I just run out of words besides "www"...or maybe that's because I need more sleep. And to top it all off, having everything ending in as successful of a manner as it again.
  A big bow of thanks to the group that held the Bloodwell.  Had you not done such a terrific job, I have no doubt we would have been facing much more resistance and pain as we stormed Blood's fortress. As apprehensive as we may have been to split and leave you all on your own without clerical support, you guys weathered through it like true heroes....the stuff of legends.
  To the group that I accomanied for the assault on Blook himself, great teamwork and tactics were shown by all.  No ill-conceived rushing, wise use of spellpower and just an all-around fantastic display.
  To OneST8 for lightening the load and keeping his finger on the "Spawn hoarde of fiends" button and providing a constant challenge to the Bloodwell crew....nice job!
  Since thanks are going around, for non-quest reasons I say thanks to orth for helping resolve a minor but annoying issue with the last-minute update and to Pankoki for all his hard work on the quest item rewards. I only wish my dice were being more friendly to me. *sighs* Ah well  :)  
  And finally to Leanthar to making this all possible, through years of blood, sweat, tears, money, ulcers, headaches, frustration, high blood pressure and self-actuated hair-loss...words just can't express the awe and respect.  So please, take at least a moment to bask in the afterglow, enjoy a well-deserved break and breather from years of planning and scheming and just overall breathing life into this place that so many of us think of as a second home.  "Thank you" doesn't quite express things enough, but it'll have to do.


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2006, 05:37:49 am »
I enjoyed last night. Lots of good team work and pretty challenging. Thank you to everybody who got the items put, the modules updated, fought with the scripting issue because our modules are so large, and thanks to all GM's that helped out last night. Good job.

One thing. :)
"....A big bow of thanks to the group that held the Bloodwell. Had you not done such a terrific job, I have no doubt we would have been facing much more resistance and pain as we stormed Blood's fortress....."

The quest and the plot would have been lost without that. No matter what was done for the four years up to this point there had to be a brave (and foolhary? :) ) group of heroes to protect you from that vicious artifact.


RE: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2006, 05:59:48 am »
Heh, all true! I went and passed out for naptime after we logged off, and staggered back here like a zombie after a few hours... browsed the forums and screenshots and got the whole silly jumping around thing going on again. "Woooooo!" It was a blast, even when I'm sure at least a couple others in the Bloodwell group were also thinking, "We are so screwed," when we waved goodbye to the main group and the clerics. *Grins.*

I've been on a ton of quests but the plot ones have always been at really bad times for me, so I've attended few of them... and like Daeron said, this was the one to show up for. ;) The server pauses were nerve wracking when we were on demon-watch! "AHH PAUSED is it now?? Alright.. not yet. AHH what about now? Now? Aughh."

Everyone was really great, without the infighting and struggling that sometimes comes with other quests. It all worked together really nicely, and I think amusingly enough the roughest patches were just after we left Arabel with the lag and traveling with hellball spam.

My favorite parts though were one, when we were holding the well and Kobal found the full plate and said it would fit Barion with a little clobbering... and spent his time between the attacks hammering the armor to fit him. *Snickers.* He's a Dwarf of dwarves, seriously. "Come on man we can't do it this way, we're going to need the clerics with Blood and the pool!" "Then we'll hold it without any." Total dwarf.

And two, a bebelith vet and a really poorly timed paladin request. Haaaa...

Don't forget Lalaith, as without her we all so should have permed. :P (Yeah I know how L said it was going to work, but really!) That'll go down in the books, I think. Hopefully not one of gnomish puns. But some kind of book.

Thanks a lot for running this, and definitely for running the quests on the other servers to have something going on in various places in the world for everyone to participate in. It was obvious that the goal was to go all-out for the finale. The items were too cool, especially the sash-which-is-not-a-sash growth item that was given to everyone. People need to post their descriptions, too.

(Nice, Dorg. "And henceforth he shall be known as, Blook.")

I was trying to be all cool about it, but really. Yay! And there was much rejoicing! *Coughs.*


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2006, 06:13:56 am »
"...Don't forget Lalaith..."

Big time!


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Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2006, 06:44:11 am »
Who needs clerics anyway? We had Kobal!

 Well done, everyone at the Bloodwell, there were some really nasty things being spawned there but we held them off, as it should be!

 And of course, i can only imagine what the team that faced Blood had to go through, so a big kudos to you for beating the ... out of him! :)
 But none of this would have been possible without, that's right, Leanthar! Thank you for everything, for every second of work you've put into Layonara and made this happen, i had a blast and so did everyone, i hope.

 Rock on!


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2006, 06:48:36 am »
All I can say is wow.  Words cant express how great I felt this whole event is.  And even in the end of it all, alot of opertunity opened up for the adventurers of Layonara to really keep it going, truely making it far from over.  I can't wait to see what comes of this event.

P.S. I also just like to say, as it is a first time for me since I've ever been on a plot quest.  I NEVER DIED ONCE!!! WOOOOOO!!!  hehe, sorry people, but thats a pretty big feat for me.


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2006, 02:28:47 pm »
I too extend my gratitude to everyone involved.  When I joined Layo in Sept/2003 I could have never imagined it resulting in such an immense piece of history for both my character and myself.  These times will not be forgotten ever for me, the friendships, the laughter, the emotions, the outright fun.  

The quest and the group really worked well together, every moment, every decision they were all so intense, it was so amazing to be a part of writing the final chapter in this story.

Thank you to everyone here who has been a part of Plen's character and James' life.  Thank you to the whole group for sticking together, working out the best possible solution and trusting each other greatly. Thank you to OneST8 for helping out with this quest and driving me crazy with his smirks as I talked to him about what I thought and what I was considering doing.  Thank you to Pan for all the awesome items you created for this event.  Thank you to Dorg for getting the update in in the last minute.  Thank you to Lalaith, Talan and Kavil for all of our recent training and amazing roleplay and help in gathering resources for this fight, it truly made a difference and really helped lead up to this defining moment with a great air of anticipation and desire to win.

Thank you Leanthar for everything, for your trust in me, for your patience and understanding, for your creativity surrounding this whole campaign.  These days I will hold fondly in my heart and mind as some of the most enjoyable in my life.  Through tough times and amazing times, Layonara was always there, always something you could count on to play and forget a bit of the other world for a moment.  It didn't always help, but you could always count on Layonara "listening".

From the Sash Reward: (very nice Pan)

Dire stream of fallen's blood.
Bearers of weight unsought.
Defenders from evil's flood.
Blades of the Dragon brought.
Circle now memoirs of alliance.
Keep in heart the glory new.
Mind strong with defiance.
Dragoncalled, how you grew.
Souls Bound.
End Found.

Dragoncalled, how you grew.



Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2006, 04:26:30 pm »
A quest and more so a series to live up to my expectations of a quality DM. Rarely have I found a challenge to make me nervous, but indeed the quest was that. A dungeon built for a higher level group, an enemy that could only rightly be called a dungeon master. To divide the group and then try something impossible and succeed was exhilarating beyond measure. Not to mention the inherent honor of being allowed to tag along on so many adventures, despite having no actual value to the group.

For many years I’ve lurked on this server and everyone bar Leanthar on that quest I saw walk into Hlint for the first time or at least relatively soon after. Despite ulcers, headaches, long or endless nights, and earning a few people that would love to see me banned. It has well been worth it for all the fun and enjoyment to be had.

If I were to specifically thank people, I would likely take Leanthar’s entire bandwidth for every server in the process. So thus a simple “Thank you, in these years together I have become impressed and have had fun.” That is in itself about as far as I can go without going off on the aforementioned ten-thousand page tangent. Well worth the years spent contributing the dust speck I have. Now to hope the next four are just as fascinating.


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2006, 04:33:41 pm »
@Ozy... Actually you have spoken to my character before. :) So you even saw me in Hlint. But what character is it? hehe

Talan Va'lash

Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2006, 04:42:56 pm »
I still havent digested the whole thing... so in leiu of a long eloquent post I'll go for brevity:

Freakin' Awesome

Now, try to go back and pick out all the foreshadowing *giggles giddily* Some of it I picked up on at the time or shortly there after but some I only saw in hindsight *grins at L*

And you! *trails off and shakes his head*



RE: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2006, 04:42:56 pm »
Acacea - 6/25/2006  7:59 AM   (Nice, Dorg. "And henceforth he shall be known as, Blook.")
 *giggles* Oh man...  :D  
  *makes a note to always proofread when posting on low sleep*


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2006, 06:17:52 pm »
Leanthar - 6/25/2006  4:33 PM

@Ozy... Actually you have spoken to my character before. :) So you even saw me in Hlint. But what character is it? hehe

if one assumed that who you speak of was your character from your early D&D days (or just earlier) and now is an NPC on Layonara.  Well, I would go on a limb and say Moraken.


Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2006, 06:22:08 pm »
Its a PC that I play when I can--which granted is pretty rare.


RE: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2006, 06:40:14 pm »
Orth, Pankoki, Dorganath, Acacea and the rest have already said it so much better than I could but I, too, would like to add my thanks. Yesterday was just simply amazing and it will be something that I won't forget any time soon.

Lalaith Va'lash

Re: Thanks to all on east today
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2006, 06:48:46 pm »
(Finally found my chance to post..... )
  A Really REALLY big thanks to all the DM's, the players, and especially L. A truly amazing finale to end the rollercoaster ride that we have all been along on (and the start to a new one) It was great that everybody had a role, a part in it, that without them it couldn't have been done:
  From Kobal working with the Ulgrid to bring the means to destroy the Bloodwell and then rallying the troops at the Bloodwell to Acacea keeping them healed with 200+ potions while Kavil traveled the whole way in shifted form carrying that large skull so that four people didn't need to do the job.
  From Triba weilding The Shadow Blade with the skill and expertise that only a rogue like her could and then doing that "thing she does so well" to the bloodpool, to The Harper beating Bloodstone to a bloody mess with that hammer of hers and The Sun Archer for his final deadly arrow when others needed to heal or had fallen.
  FromOzy for his song andand keepingus all inspired" YER MOTHER WAS A HARLOT BLOOD!" to the end, and The Birdlord at times sacrificing how much he wanted to use that titanium coated sword and instead channeling his strength with Katia to keep us all alive so that we could press on and fight to the end, To The Veil working with The Lumbral and the tie that she reknit in order to keep all from doom as the Bloodwell was destroyed.
  From Rufus granting spells and making sure everybody in the group was covered, even if he doesn't like some of us to Brac examining magic devices and slinging spells at every turn while letting us know how fascinating the world is, to Connor, Lia, Alantha, Daeron, and Yard slinging spells and making sure to look out for everybody with the protections that were requested, and the ones that didn’t need to be.
  From Syn, Mich and Rem fighting the front lines and taking all that abuse that Paladins often get to Dorax and Barion who were at their sides trying to get every bit of edge that we could. Great job guys, as Tribs said at the beginning, everybody was there for a reason, and it really showed.
  So short of going on and on and on (cause I could!) I just wanted to also extend a very personal thanks to Plen, Talan, and Kavil as well as all those on Lala’s ECDQ. She couldn’t have been what she was without each of you. So Thank you.
  *********** *****