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Author Topic: Alignment Questions...  (Read 61 times)


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Alignment Questions...
« on: July 10, 2005, 11:55:00 am »
I play a character that is neutral good and was considering starting character development quests to move toward lawful good.  I am a cleric and may wish to move to becoming a paladin in epic (if I ever get there) so I was just planning ahead.

I noticed that my current alignment is "Neutral (50) Good (84)"

I was wondering where the 84 came from?  Should it not be (100).

If my good alignment was "hit" on a quest, no DM ever told me about it.

I was thinking it was maybe from me killing chickens.  I would be surrounded when trying to feed them and would not be able to walk, so I killed one, but then I had to kill them all.  Does killing chickens shift your alignment automatically?

If not the chickens, how can I work my way back to (100).  I do not get positive alignment points when I go "good" deeds on quests.

Can anyone help?  I just don't want to slip to true neutral and fall out of step with my goddess's alignment.


RE: Alignment Questions...
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2005, 11:58:00 am »
Default good is 85.

So if you started neutral good you were 50/85, so something has you moved down one point... Probably just some mistake and one point doesn't matter so much.

Anyway the starting values are like this...

Chaotic is 15, neutral 50, lawful 85 on the law/chaos
Evil is 15, neutral 50, good 85 on the good/evil


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RE: Alignment Questions...
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2005, 12:15:00 pm »
Thanks ID!

I really appreciate your feed back.  I wonder where I lost the point?

Does anyone have suggestions how a character would, through CDQ's move toward the lawful end of the chaos/law axis?

I was thinking of going through military, legal and/or religious training.

How could a character seek to be more lawful?

A little background on my character will help structure any advice:

My cleric, Nathaniel, was created over a year ago, before the first publication of the handbook (I think), and sought to be a protector of Lucinda's followers (hence taking the name Spellguard).  I created him as Neutral Good so he would be able to protect less than savory wizards, no offense Rufus, when they are doing neutral or good deeds without a conflict of alignment.

Later, the Paladin Orders of Lucinda were announced and their purpose is basically what I wanted my character to do.

Currently, my character is in self-imposed excile from Spellgard for failing to adequately protect wizards on several quests (both of us died).  He is a hermit focused on crafting skills to make magical items as a form of penance without reaping significant financial gains (I have decent crafting skills but rarely profit from them).

One day, I would like to end this exile.  And move toward becoming a Protector of the Weave (even if not a Paladin).  This is why I wanted ideas on how to structure alignment shifting quests.  I know the road would be long and hard, but my character levels slowly and I want to take him to level 20 (if possible) as a cleric before becoming anything else.

Any suggestions?

Perhaps a discussion on how other alignment shift could happen would be in order?


RE: Alignment Questions...
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
  Someone kills an NPC the person who killed it gets shifted 5 Points toward evil and everyone in the party gets a 1 point shift (for letting it happen I guess). I seem to remember someone killing an NPC on the Ciro quest of Milo's. You were there and pretty much everyone forgot to ask for their alignment shift back. :)


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    RE: Alignment Questions...
    « Reply #4 on: July 12, 2005, 04:14:00 pm »
    This is something i'd like to know too ... is there a way to shift your alignment (ofcourse not all the way to 85) towards lawfull from neutral with ingame mechanics? Or are GM CDQ's the only way to shift alignment?