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Author Topic: Arrrrr!  (Read 376 times)


« on: September 19, 2005, 08:31:00 pm »

 Avast ye scurvy dogs! It be speak like a pirate day an I don hear the sweet sound of pirate talk! I'll have ye walk the plank if ye won't embrace yer inner swashbuckler Yarrr. Every September 19th is International "Talk-like-a-Pirate" day, Now give me an ARRRRR or i'll have ye scuttled and sent ta Davy Jones Locker Ha harrr!


RE: Arrrrr!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 08:36:00 pm »
Oh ya i heard something about that on the radio on my way to work. One of the weirder days i have heard of.


RE: Arrrrr!
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2005, 08:38:00 pm »
Yea had best have Arr in there matey... or I'll have ye keel hauled and run through me cannons as fodder Harrr!


RE: Arrrrr!
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2005, 09:03:00 pm »
Walk de plank matey, arrr.
  hehe.. Had fun with this day at work today.


RE: Arrrrr!
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2005, 09:06:00 pm »
Arrrr!  Th' scurvy rats I werk fer ne'er sed a bleedin' werd 'bout dis day.  Arrrr...They orta swing from th' yardarm 'til their necks is stretched fer dat!


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    RE: Arrrrr!
    « Reply #5 on: September 19, 2005, 09:48:00 pm »
    Arr... a bloody well day it beh, a day ta embrace ye inner pirate like meh. Har har.. a pirate tune ta share the mood, whatcha' say? Arr..

    "I'm a crusty old pirate, I live by the sea
    I say ARR! To me mates and they say ARR! To me
    We'll sing a sea chantey and play the guitar
    The swashbucklers favorite song ARR ARR ARR ARR

    We sail the high seas and the small ones to boot
    Just a bunch of old scallywags lookin' for loot
    Where X marks the spot on the treasure map thar
    With a heave! and a ho! and an ARR ARR ARR ARR

    And it's yo ho ho And it's hoist the sail high
    "Swab the deck";, says the captain The crew says, "AYE.
    A happy swashbuckler will tell you point blank
    He'd rather be swabbin' than walkin' the plank

    The lookout first mate At the captains behest
    Has climbed up the mast and he's in the crows nest
    He's lookin' for ships with his binocular
    And when he sees them he'll shout ARR ARR ARR ARR

    You had best close your eyes when we sit down to eat
    For manners are lost on a pirating fleet
    We gobble our grub, slurp our grog from a jar
    And when we are finished we'll ARR ARR ARR ARR

    And it's yo ho ho And it's hoist the sail high
    "Swab the deck";, says the captain The crew says, "AYE.
    A happy swashbuckler will tell you point blank
    He'd rather be swabbin' than walkin' the plank

    There's a patch on me eye and there's stripes on me shirt
    We're surrounded by water and still we find dirt
    Our hats have three corners they're triangular
    We wear them while singing our ARR ARR ARR ARR

    When pirates sing, they sing boldly and proud
    When pirates are sleeping they snore very loud
    And when pirates laugh they say HAR DE HAR HAR!
    The rest of the time they say ARR ARR ARR ARR

    A Buccaneers' life is exciting and bold
    it is a charming story that ought to be told
    As I sit on the deck, to write me memoir
    I open me log and write AR AR AR AR

    And it's yo ho ho And it's hoist the sail high
    "Swab the deck";, says the captain The crew says "AYE. AYE!";
    Avast me hearties, you're the finst by far
    We sail the high seas with our Arr Arr Arr Arr
    We'll shiver me timbers , it's Arr Arr Arr Arr"

    Han' meh an Ale, fur me throat beh sore, ta much singin fur meh I need ta be drunk su' more.


    RE: Arrrrr!
    « Reply #6 on: September 19, 2005, 10:04:00 pm »
    Arr that be the soul of a pirate my matey... the very soul of a pirate *runs mauddib through with a saber and kicks him over* arrr that land luber needed to observe 'is vowels... his Arrrs and his Ayes.. HAR HAR HAR


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      RE: Arrrrr!
      « Reply #7 on: September 19, 2005, 10:37:00 pm »
      Arrr! I no be part of thi stupid day! Oy ask meself "A pirate day? T'at be the most stupid ting I 'eared". Arr! Ye never get me te talk like thi mateys. Arr!


      RE: Arrrrr!
      « Reply #8 on: September 20, 2005, 12:11:00 am »
      Har ye Dogs!

      Why be pirates called pirates?




      because they arrr!

      Harhar that be an ol un but still a good un, tho ;)


      RE: Arrrrr!
      « Reply #9 on: September 20, 2005, 04:10:00 am »
      Could I please advise all of the above contributers to, the next time they are down at there video shop,  each rent a copy of Dodgeball.....


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      RE: Arrrrr!
      « Reply #10 on: September 20, 2005, 04:55:00 am »
      arrrr !! ye land-lubber Nom *pokes him with a saber* time ya bein walkin the plank. arr haahaa!! * watchs him fall into the ocean* off ta davieslocker wit ya..


      RE: Arrrrr!
      « Reply #11 on: September 20, 2005, 05:00:00 am »
      Where be a pirate's fav-rit place to eat?


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        RE: Arrrrr!
        « Reply #12 on: September 20, 2005, 05:13:00 am »
        Arrrr, what uh wunderful dai to have me burthday upon! Even though it be the 20th now, and um still talkin' like a pie-rat.


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        RE: Arrrrr!
        « Reply #13 on: September 20, 2005, 05:21:00 am »
        Since it be da 20th day o' da mont, I be senden to yas a belated .... AAAAAAAAARRRR!!