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Author Topic: Breaking Layo?  (Read 72 times)


Breaking Layo?
« on: March 19, 2006, 07:38:48 am »
Hi folks,  
I have heard a little rumor of at least two people planning to 'break layo' by twisting rules, breaking rules, power gaming, becoming evil.... and then 'bringing a few people down with them'. This is pretty despicable for players to actually create characters for this intention. I mean, if you one wants to do that, why even play here? Just leave. To me it shows a total lack of support for the world, all of the work the teams do, the public in general, and the entire community. It shows a total lack of ethics on the player’s part and it is childish, rude, and just plain wrong. At least one of you even purchased a new nwn cd to get a new key, it didn't do you any good though because we know all of your characters and your keys--and we knew it before LORE--though that is when you decided to hide your tracks--or at least try.  
Rest assured, I know those that are doing this and we are watching you. It is best that it stops right now or you will be banned--or better yet--if that is your plan just leave the world because nothing good will come of it. We do not want your type here anyways; it is not the type of community member we want. Those in the in-game house should be warned that we are watching, even if you are not involved in this little scenario it sounds like you may be getting drug in to it so that you can be ‘brought down’ by these two.  
  I (and the team) will protect this community and we will enforce the rules against anybody that does this sort of ridiculous junk.


RE: Breaking Layo?
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2006, 12:28:35 pm »
with all respect Leanther, if you heard it as rumors, see if it is before posting this. And it is a rumor by the way, nothing to do with how things really are.


Re: Breaking Layo?
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2006, 02:01:39 pm »
With all due respect I have fought this sort of thing for four years now. It is to the point where I go on the offensive and not the defensive. In this case it is what it is, but in the past (a number of times) I have had people say one thing, do others, steal the module, create their own world with the module.... do I need to go on here?

Anyways...I should have locked this thread in the beginning.

It is now locked.