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Author Topic: Query Re- Tumble  (Read 82 times)


Query Re- Tumble
« on: August 23, 2006, 02:02:45 am »
Hi, quick query regarding tumble - I read about it, but need it simplified.

Every 5 points in Tumble grants a +1 AC

Say I have 13 Tumble, and equip some leather which gives a +3 to Tumble, making 16.

Because the Item has increased my Tumble, do I then gain a furthur +1....

...cause if so, it aint working.
and if not, it is working.



RE: Query Re- Tumble
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 02:05:26 am »
It's working as intended. Only actual points spent in it count for AC purposes, the rest is simply for skill rolls to avoid AoO.

