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Author Topic: I Hate The Death System. >:(  (Read 103 times)


I Hate The Death System. >:(
« on: July 27, 2005, 02:10:00 am »
So. I got home from work, happy and sore and tired and grumpy all at once. And figured 'y'know what will allign my feelings? A little Layonara!' because Layo is usually good for that. You know, cosmic/karmic equillibriation.

So, I come on to the forums, piddle away about 5 minutes looking through stuff and then, I decide it is time to ruin the Layonara experience yet again for EVERYONE by plopping the dwarf that nobody loves online. Y'know, because he's fun to play, the social pariah.

ANYHOW... I get on, and I'm all excited... I have my coke and pizza right here and everything! I haven't played in quite a while because Turor died. And when Turor dies, he doesn't go get his stone. I log off for 10 hours, come back, and he's shipshape! This time I left him in Hlint, happy as a dead dwarf can be, right next to the bindstone.

When I log on today... My hopes and dreams and everything are shattered. Because the Death Void seems to be his new place of haunting. He is trapped in limbo for all eternity, o' what a fate!!

Something must've been screwy when I logged out and he must've ended up in that stupid death void because of a bug. He only has one more 'time to reflect' to go, anyhow, and I think it's fair that, well, a DM pluck him from pyragatory. He hasn't done that much wrong. Yet. :D

And my other character, the elven conjurer Kivahn Thenaldrin, the most poorly planned character designed solely for RP and to ruin parties by not buffing but sapping XP away by summoning a contigent of, well, summons... is also trapped in the Death Void!

It is easy to assume that the two, the haughty, snooty elf and the grumpy, grumbly dwarf will kill each other time and time again unless one of the greater powers of the multiverse DOES something!!! Please, I beg of you, DMs, spare Limbo the torment of an elf and dwarf bantering at each other... And put my characters back on the plane they deserve to be on.

And in relation to the topic name thingy... I really do find the Death Void something of a waste of time... What use is it, really? I have never really figured it out, and would love a DM explain it to me, because it has stumped me. All it's been good for so far is trapping poor elves and dwarves.

Speaking of Kivahn, I should have him deleted since his brother never came to Layonara... >.>


RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2005, 02:17:00 am »
Right click and use your orb of rememberance. It should teleport you to the bindstone.


RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2005, 05:03:00 am »
  We have the death void because...
    When you die they need to apply the penalties n' stuff as soon as possible. It was a known bug that when they'd try to apply them, then port you to your bindstone (or another server to get to your bindstone) the monsters would kill you again.
    The Death Void is a go, between. Send you there, you're safe, get your penalties, and get booted or ported or whatever. People do occasionally get trapped but if you save your character outside the death void (I save with the Orb and Rest) you should be good.
    Also remember you don't have to stay logged out for 10 hours or get to your Grave. If you stay logged in (and RPing) for 10 min/level, you're golden.


RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2005, 05:35:00 am »
*points up* What ZV said...

You can also try to walk toward one of the edges of the Death Void.  That should get you out as well and back to your bind point.


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    RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
    « Reply #4 on: July 27, 2005, 09:12:00 am »
    Never been there, the void.  Although I remember dying and getting shipped to Barbarian island repeatedly for some odd reason...  Weired things happen.


    RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
    « Reply #5 on: July 27, 2005, 09:21:00 am »
    For all it's gliches I'd still rather have the current death system with the death void over the old one with the massive XP losses :o


    RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
    « Reply #6 on: July 27, 2005, 11:57:00 am »
    Here's why if you die on another server than you are bound on, it takes time for your character's death to be processed and ported/booted. However, if you click respawn your character stands up healed before it gets ported/booted. In case you were killed by really nasty baddies, you could get killed again before the port/boot kicks in.
      Therefore, you are first ported to the Death Void on the server you died on, before you get ported/booted.
      Imagine you being dead, clicking respawn and getting killed again, wouldn't that be even more nasty?
      And you can always leave the death void by using the orb of remembrance so no need to stay there to wait for a DM.


    RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
    « Reply #7 on: July 27, 2005, 01:36:00 pm »
    This death system is very Player friendly compaired to the one that was in place when I first started here.
    The old system was 10% xp loss and chance of token.Now you just Glow and lose abilities,plus have a chance at a DT.


    RE: I Hate The Death System. >:(
    « Reply #8 on: July 27, 2005, 02:04:00 pm »
    hehehehehe.... honestly, Cole died enough times under the old system that he would probably be a level higher if the new system had been in place when I started on Layo.