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Author Topic: This place.  (Read 229 times)


This place.
« on: June 26, 2008, 08:46:40 pm »
Hello again everyone, It's me Mykah again..  (Yes I like to post on these forums for some reason)  

I have to say that when I signed up to play on this server.. after reading all the rules, as much lore as I could (Which won't be enough until I've read it all) and what not..  I was expecting this server to be amazing.  I was expecting this server to be better then any server I had ever played..  I was expecting this server to be exactly what was missing out of Neverwinter Nights and every other RP game out on the market today..

Well.. I'm here to tell you.. that my expectations.. were completely blown away.  This is by far the best server and best roleplaying experience that I have ever experienced in any form.  Pen and Paper, MMO's.. All of it.  The community that consists of both Players, GMs, etc.. is the most diverse, friendly, helpful and humble atmosphere that I have ever experienced.  Not to mention that every single person that I came across asked me if there was anything that they could do to help.  I am going to be playing here, for a VERY long time.  I just want to thank you all (and I mean it, all) for finally putting to rest the long search of finding a place that just feels.. "right".  

You all make it what it is.. without the individuals and the "team" behind it.. it would be nothing more then a virtual replication of everything else out there.  Thank you again, for bringing a LONG time RPers hopes and wishes to a realization and giving me the chance to enjoy RP for what it really is.


Re: This place.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2008, 09:06:03 pm »
It is always nice to hear feedback like this. Thank you.
 I am very happy to hear you are enjoying your time here.
 It is certainly the community and team that make this a great place! Kudo's all around. :)


Re: This place.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2008, 09:24:51 pm »
I hope it stays that way, mate. It has for me, and I've been here a long time, through highs and lows and everything in between.